Priests are allowed to drink alcohol. Say it with us: priests are allowed to drink alcohol. This wild story about a priest who decided to pick up a few bottles of wine and a nice whiskey from a local liquor store comes to us via Redditor u/justme23222, who posted to r/IDontWorkHereLady after a woman grew belligerent when initially mistaking him for a liquor store employee. At first, the woman in question merely mistook this priest for someone who worked at the store, but when he explained to her that he was a priest, things got wild.
Apparently, the woman at the liquor store did not like seeing a priest in a liquor store and could not control herself, hurling insults, her purse, and even some of the bottles of wine available at the store at the OP and eventually at the store employee once he returned from the back. Things got bad enough that the employee was hit in the head with a bottle, leading to responding police officers to call for an ambulance. According to the OP, the woman involved in this scenario got off on community service, and nobody ever discovered why she reacted so wildly to encountering a priest at a liquor store.
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