This husband told his wife that he wanted his mother to be present for the birth of their child. When their first child was born her mother was present as support for her daughter. Now the husband thinks that since she "got to choose" who was present last time he should get to choose this time. His wife told him he was crazy and now he's upset, who is in the wrong here?
This thread was posted on Reddit's r/AITA subreddit by the wife, u/GoldSun777, who is appealing to the readers to see who is being unreasonable in this couple's spat.
Overwhelmingly, as they often are when it comes to birth and pregnancy, the commenters of the subreddit are completely on the wife's side, pointing out that her comfort during the birth is paramount as she will be the one pushing a living being out of her body.
"When did squeezing a whole other person out of your vagina become a spectator sport?" commented SimplySam4210, adding some commentary to the apparent rise of husband's wanting everyone they know present when their wife gives birth.
"As a married man with 3 kids: NTA. The woman giving birth gets to decide who is in their delivery room, full stop," stated ITSlave4Decades.
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