This Grandmother was banned from seeing her grandkids after the child's father discovered she had been shaming their ten-year-old about her weight.
The thread was posted to Reddit's r/AITA (Am I the A-Hole) subreddit by the father, u/Superduppppy.
We were recently discussing the "benevolent grandparent" and how it's easy, for those who were fortunate to have them, to assume that that's just how all grandparents are. It's always saddening to see stories such as this, where a grandchild is being traumatized by their grandparent, who is not acting at all like a benevolent figure.
My American grandparents were the quintessential American grandparents. It was almost like they had been dropped out of an 80s kid's film. Summers at the lake, fireworks on the 4th, Grandpa dressing up as (a very authentic) Santa Claus for Christmas. All memories that I get to carry with me for the rest of my life. I am fortunate that I have such memories and didn't experience anything like this story from any of my grandparents.
Thumbnail Image: Christian Bowen
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