Monday, February 1, 2021

Tumblr Thread: Linguini Was The Unbreakable Champion Of "Ratatouille"

Just in case you haven't seen the iconic, cinematic masterpiece that is "Ratatouille", it's a lovely animated film that follows the adventures of a struggling 20-something named Linguini. The dude falls on hard times after his mother passes away, and then proceeds to be thrown headlong into the challenging pits of a competitive Parisian restaurant. To make matters even more wild for the poor kid, he ends up befriending a rat who knows how to cook like nobody's ever seen. It's really a miracle Linguini didn't have a full on mental collapse with all that going on. This Tumblr thread honors his struggles that were kind of skimmed over in the film. 

Check out some more totally random, strange, and funny Tumblr gems over here


Font - sunshine-zenith Follow Okay but like. Ratatouille from Linguini's perspective tho You're some broke, awkward guy in his twenties who can't keep a job down to the point that you Know that the letter your recently dead mom wrote to her also dead famous friend's coworker contains Something about giving you employment. So you march yourself down to this fancy restaurant, submit yourself to verbal whiplash, fork over what might've been the last thing your mother ever wrote, and become the lowl


Font - Fine, right? I mean, shitty day/week/month/ whatever, but you aren't picky. You have a job, so you can pay rent. Except you accidentally spill like half a pot of soup and you panic. You literally got this job like fifteen minutes ago and you already fucked up. Rent is breathing down your neck so you do the Broke Twenty Something thing where you try to use water to hide the difference, throw in some spices because you have no idea how cooking works, and hope that no one notices despite the


Font - (You're broke, you're mom is dead, and you cook worse than a rat. Imagine that.) And somehow the soup gets served to a food critic that's apparently well respected and now you have no idea if you're gonna be flayed alive by your new boss or given a job you are in no way qualified for. Rent is still a thing. Then you realize the rat understands human language and knows enough body language to communicate. Then you realize you're own body is fucking weird because this completely random rat


Font - And you have to go along with it because you need money to eat and not be homeless and you need a job to get money. It hasn't even been a week. At least your coworkers are nice enough. You get a crush on one of them and get a crash course on cooking and working in a kitchen and sexism and oh my god like at least three of your coworkers are technically criminals aren't they?? Also your boss gets you drunk and asks you a bunch of weird questions about pets. You only wanted a job


Font - (The rat makes you kiss the coworker you kinda have a crush on that's been teaching you everything. What the fuck. You probably have to explain consent to a rat now. Luckily the coworker likes you back and is okay with the kiss, but still. What the fuck) (Also the rat now seems to have a rivalry with your new girlfriend. What the hell, rat buddy? You're literally the reason these two are together, and also the girlfriend has been working in the food industry longer than the rat has been a


Font - Suddenly, out of nowhere, the rat walks up to you with some documents about how your dead mom's dead famous friend is your dad. Also your boss did DNA tests on you behind your back (invasive much??). Now you own an entire restaurant because of a deadline in you're secret dead dad's will that was like two days away from being moot. (I dunno about y'all, but l'd need to sit down for like seventy years at this point because there's like fifty different layers of fucked up here. You grew up w


Font - you. You own a restaurant and you can't even cook. Your new pet rat somehow got this information before you and can apparently read. Your father was a famous chief, your name is literally a pasta, and you can't even cook. It's only been a couple months, what the hell) Now you're famous and the food critic they lowkey caused your secret dad's death is after you because he has a weird vendetta going on, and also your rat (who's like your best friend at this point let's be real) is acting we


Font - Next thing you know, your rat is sneaking other rats into the kitchen, you have to explain that a rat can cook better than you, and everyone quits in the middle of the day (what the heck, one of them probably killed a guy and another was in the circus. The rat thing is weird but like. You can roll with the punches. Why can't they??) So while you're like having a panic attack because of this, your rat unionized his rat friends and now the kitchen is being run by rats. What can you do? You


Font - (Also, side note, Linguini totally missed out on his true calling as a professional roller skater or something. Dude's graceless even when he isn't being piloted by a rat, but on a set of roller skates he's friggin amazing) Luckily, your super smart (maybe ex?) girlfriend comes back (even if the whole rat thing is still throwing her off, but hey. It's prolly nice to have Somebody acknowledge the weirdness of this entire thing without jumping ship). Apparently the food your rat cooks is so


Font - You decide to make this Super Important Super Harsh food critic wait hours, then you and your (probably) girlfriend have to show off how you're weirdly drift compatible with a rat. The food critic just like. Thanks you for the meal and leaves. What do you do? Also at some point during the night the rats kidnapped your weirdly invasive ex-boss and a health inspector. So yeah, you should probably deal with that.


Font - Then the food critic that lowkey lead to your dad's death writes this inspirational piece that critizes critics, tanking his own career in the process, only for the health inspector to shut down your dad's restaurant. But okay, the now ex-food critic now takes the money he made shattering the dreams of other chiefs and invests in your rat best friend's dreams, and now he's kinda your friend and you work at the rat's restaurant with your amazing girlfriend. All this happened in only a few


Font - awkwardnoodleman Follow I need like a day to process this post holy shit. I have thoughts but I need to sit down humanbeingiguess Follow Not to mention right before Linguini kisses Colette, she was mad at him because he wasn't talking. He wasn't talking because he was asleep. Remy was making him stand up and he was still asleep so Colette started yelling at him because she thought he was ignoring her.


Font - He literally woke up to her yelling at him for no apparent reason and still managed to become her boyfriend in 5 minutes. Yeah, the rat helped, but still. Must’ve been fucking shocking. Props to him for just rollin' with it the entire movie 1,978 notes

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