Wednesday, February 3, 2021

People's "No One is Gonna Believe This" Moments

It's hard when something extremely strange or unlikely happens, because you want to tell someone without sounding like a liar or moron. People are right to be skeptical, but why would anyone lie about walking in on a vested goat eating a roll of toilet paper? You've got moments like these strange events people can't explain logically that make you think, "how am I gonna tell anyone about this?" It's so hard to explain rare and unlikely moments that went against the odds. 


Rectangle - KentuckyFriedEel 11 hours ago S 2 Orlando bloom winked at me once when walking past. I'm a dude.


Font - miss_skindependent 11 hours ago 3 I started out in the normal math class until my teacher realized I should switch to the advanced class because I got perfect scores on everything. We were just about to start the chapter about telling time when I made the switch. The advanced math class already knew how to tell time. I had all digital clocks at my house. I didn't actually learn how to tell time til I was about to start high school and thought I should learn


Human body - sbashe5 12 hours ago I knocked a cup of coffee off my counter and caught it and no coffee spilled out of it


Human body - visions1013 14 hours ago I saw a bird unscrew a lightbulb once.


Font - DashingMustashing 14 hours ago I once threw the inside of a pen at least 9ft clear across a room and skewered a fly that was annoying me. Legit I felt like a ninja and have no way to prove it to anyone. Not gonna lie It's probably my peak and it's all been down hill ever since.


Smile - habaneroburrito 13 hours ago Watched an ant pick up it's injured friend with its two front legs and ran away on its last two legs like a human would


Organism - blackdogpepper 13 hours ago ,2 Was doing a service call at an equestrian farm. I went to the bathroom in the barn to take a leak, the door was slightly ajar and the light was off. I pushed open the door and hit the light only to see a goat dressed in a fleece vest eating toilet paper off the roll. He gave me this look like to say “wtf are you looking at?" I turned off the light and left.


Font - carlamm95 12 hours ago My ex (American, met him in the US) and my other ex (Dutch, met him three years later in Argentina) work at the same office in Amsterdam. They are colleagues. I found out cause I saw a fb post in which they were at the same office (2 years after me and Dutchie broke up). And I still live in Argentina! Also, some years ago, I was in a relationship with a guy. We lived together in a tiny apartment. The relationship ended in a terrible way. Four years later, I started


Head - growlingbear 13 hours ago 3 I was once arrested for "dueling". That was the charge.


Font - Considered_Dissent 10 hours ago Was lying in bed watching a movie and too lazy to move; saw a small/harmless spider drop down from a thread on the ceiling obviously heading for the far side of my bed. Even if it wasnt venomous I didnt want to share my bed with it, but also didnt want to move; not thinking it'd actually do anything I reached out my arm towards it (but still quite a few feet away) and started waving my fingers at it in annoyance. To my absolute surprise it immediately stopp


Human body - ChaosEmpress7 12 hours ago I held a stick straight up in the air while pretending to be a magical creature and then it immediately started raining heavily.


Font - ForgettableUsername 9 hours ago One time when I was a teenager I was playing pool with friends. The pizza arrived or whatever and I took one last shot just as everyone was leaving and sank like five balls. It was the single best move I have ever made in any game I have ever played, but no one saw it and there was no way to take credit for it without sounding like a liar.


Human body - bkell24 11 hours ago I legit found a $100 bill on the ground. I couldn't believe it myself but I took it straight to the ATM and it was accepted.


Font - chazol1278 8 hours ago 2 e S Heath Ledger was sitting in my seat on an airplane when I was about 13 on a family holiday. I knew him only from 10 Things I Hate About You at the time and it was my FAVOURITE FILM EVER. He was in the right seat but on the wrong plane and jumped up and ran across the tarmac - simpler time, small airport in Spain. No one ever believes me!!


Human body - nerd-chic 13 hours ago I went and watched Pirates of the Caribbean at the theater with Linkin Park after they finished their part in a concert in DC.


Human body - SunDamaged 10 hours ago I kicked a wasp that was flying towards me mid-air like a damn ninja and killed it. No witnesses except my dog and God.


Human body - apython98 9 hours ago was playing darts at a bar and hit the back of a dart with another dart. bartender thought i just broke it


Mammal - Jarp_Darpo 14 hours ago Ended up walking thr grounds of the community College on Isd with a buddy and coming across the day's earlier attempt at THE LARGEST PAPER MACHE VOLCANO , 50 FEET WIDE SHE WAS AND EVER UNDULATING


Plant - Bluedog9919 8 hours ago I took a one way flight 1200 miles away, 7 months later I took another one way flight back home and sat next to the same random person.


Font - TheGoddessHylia 10 hours ago My aunt had a creative writing class in high school where she sat either in front of or behind Dwayne Johnson, I can't remember. She said that she never talked to him because he was such a "jock."


Font - glendening 8 hours ago One day I noticed my dog standing at the glass door with something in his mouth. It was a $5 bill. We went to BK and grabbed him a cheese burger for a reward. The next day he was at the door with a $1 so we got him another burger. Figured it was only fair as he paid for it.


Facial expression - Fitzbalor 10 hours ago Mine: I woke up during open heart surgery and 100 percent believed I had a ladder match at wrestlemania

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Tagged: crazy , wtf , strange , unlikely , lol , stories , funny , weird

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