Saturday, February 20, 2021

Entitled "Influencer" Thinks Exposure's Payment

There's nothing quite like an obnoxious, impossibly entitled choosing beggar who thinks that their following on a social media platform is equivalent to offering a hard working artist the payment that their justly due. If this choosing beggar post got you going, check out some more entitled people with their childish demands over here


Font - Active 8 m ago 9:57 PM Hey your manager was messaging me earlier telling me that you were looking for a hand drawn portrait? yeah when can you start cos I need this ASAP


Organism - Listen if you're sleeping right now, can you just draw my most recent post really quickly Sorry for the late reply, I was writing an email, l'll get on it right away. Keep in mind it'Il be in pencil only is that alright with you?


Organism - Yeah I guess that's ok | just get it done quickly Sorry but I couldn't get your manager to sign the invoice I sent, can you get your signature on it please?


Font - After that I can get started right away on it. There's no need for an invoice, there's no need for me to pay you. I have over 240k followers, once they see the work you put in to your (hopefully) brilliant portrait, you'll be able to really get your name out there, don't you agree?


Organism - The fact that you're asking me to pay you for what is essentially a glorified promo post is quite bizarre It's only 10 euro, your manager agreed to pay. Il'm not asking for much here, just payment.


Font - I think you fail to realise how dispensible you are to me, l'll find another artist if you don't want to work with me, final chance. No, sorry, I can't sacrifice my integrity for exposure.


Handwriting - Sss_mithy • 1h My favorite response to "bur youll get exposure". Okay then who painted the portrait on ANY of the $1 $5 $10 $20 $100 bills, because i see them every day and dont know who they are G Reply 16 3 ...


Rectangle - AriaSymphony • 40m As someone who commissions drawing as a hobby, I can tell you that no one ever sees a drawing in an Instagram post or whatever and go "oh golly gee what a great drawing I sure would like to go pay this artist to do my own drawing".

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