Saturday, February 20, 2021

Boyfriend Wants To Name Baby After "Twilight", Mom Says No

This perturbed mother asked the moral judges of Reddit's AITA community whether or not she was in the wrong for vetoing her boyfriend's request to name her baby after a character in the notorious "Twilight" book series. Honestly, this boyfriend sounds like a bit of an immature waking nightmare. The dude had the audacity to make a post about the baby's name before it was ever agreed upon, and then tried to tell her that it was too late to change the name because everyone saw it. Like how old are you, man? Get out of here with that. 


Font - AITA for not letting my boyfriend name our daughter Renesmae? Not the A-hole My boyfriend and I are both 18, and 35w pregnant with our daughter. Since the day I found out we were having a girl he was absolutely refuses to compromise. He's a massive twilight fan, I personally hate it and would much rather that we don't name our baby after a fictional character. bent on naming her Renesmae, It kinda hit boiling point last night, for weeks l've been telling him we are coming up with somethin


Font - I got really really mad my this. I told him to delete that, or change the caption because l'm not naming our daughter that. He refused, saying his friends knew now so we had to stick with it. I said "I haven't agreed to naming our daughter after some stupid made up character from the worst books ever Delete the post now or get the made. out of my house". He left to spend the night at a friends and my parents who heard the argument said I should just let him name our daughter that, saying


Font - Stop trying to adopt my child. She is very much loved and wanted. 23.6k 4.4k 1 Share


Font - Dszquphsbnt · 1d • Judge, Jury, and Excretioner [349] NTA If he's getting this bent out of shape over figuring out a name you both can agree on, then I worry about his general preparedness for parenthood. Your parents taking his side is concerning. He's wrong, you're right. Find a name you both can agree on. If he digs his heels in and says it's Renesmae or nothing, then effectively, he's waiving his right to a say. "I can't wait to meet you Renesmae." Also, just for clarity, the Twilight


Font - NiceButton7• 1d 1 Award NTA. Twilight discourse has ebbed, thank God, but your daughter will cop hell for being a Renesmae, just like all the little Samwises of this world. Also, you both get a say. She's not his daughter. She is the daughter of you both. Renee is a pretty nice name, though. Reply 3.8k ...


Font - NTA Standard rule for baby naming is that either parent can veto a name. And that name is godawful so you should 100% veto it. Reply 1 345 ...


Font - 12 Awards NTA baby names fall into the "two yeses, one no" category. He absolutely sucks for the post and trying to use that as leverage to get his way. Be careful about someone who uses such a tactic. Your parents also suck for telling you to just go along with the name. At the hospital (presuming you're giving birth in one) I would tell the nurses not to let him sign the birth certificate without you ETA your edit makes it even worse.. They get extra AH points for saying you should just


Organism - mm172 · 1d · Judge, Jury, and Excretioner [327] NTA. As many, many, many previous posts on baby names - especially pop culture baby names - have established, if one parent doesn't like the name, it's time to move on to a new option. Besides, even the majority of Twilight fans l've encountered don't like Reneesme as a name. Reply 548 ...


Smile - Shizzlemoo • 1d · Partassipant [4] NTA - Stick to your guns, it's ridiculous that he thinks you will carry a child for 9 months and he can dictate the name and you have no say, absolute tool Reply 218


Font - NTA He may have his heart set on this name but he shouldn't be posting on social media like that and trying to steamroll you. Your parents are out of line too. I'm sure they are just freaking out because their 18-year-old pregnant daughter looks like she might be dumping the boyfriend and trying to figure out how to deal with that. Letting him name your daughter the name that you hate is not a good idea, it's just the easiest way out of the conflict. If you were my daughter I would say th


Organism - NTA. People don't think about the fact that the child will have to deal with all the weirdness that comes with having a funky name. It will effect them in school, their job prospects, and that everyone is going to mispronounce their name for the rest of their lives. It gets old really quickly. -Someone who has a funky name and will be changing it sometime in the near future. Reply 328 ...


Font - NTA. Lmao WHAT? You should both agree on the name, so if you don't like it, then he should be an adult and find another one you both like. "iT PrObAbLy MeAnS ALot tO HiM" Make him sit down and give you 5 reasons aside from "liking Twilight" as to why you should name your daughter that. Good luck with both becoming a parent and this boyfriend. Remember that this is a little human that you are both responsible for. Reply 366 ...


Font - 2 Awards NTA and this is a huge warning sign. If he refuses to let you have a say in YOUR OWN BABIES NAME, how controlling is he going to be of you when you're raising a child together? You're 18 so yes you are an adult, and judging from what you've posted you're fairly mature, but is this guy seriously the one you want to spend your entire life with? He sounds like a 4 year old. Anyways, NTA and he needs to get a grip. It's your baby too, not just his. When you go into labour, make sure


Font - janewilson90 · 1d · Partassipant [1] NTA Naming kids after characters in books when the name doesn't exist IRL is not cool. Even the author said she wouldn't name a real child Renesmae (according to its wiki page anyway). Its double not ok considering you can't even say the name out loud. You could compromise and call her Rene or Esmee or he could start acting like a grown up and have a conversation with you about the name of your child. Him posting on instagram to 'announce' the name is


Organism - 1 Award NTA - Also, make sure you give the baby YOUR last name. Your boyfriend doesn't sound too bright, and doesn't sound like he cares about you. I wouldn't bet on the longevity of this relationship or him sticking around. In the hospital, YOU get to choose all of the babies names. As the person giving birth, and an unwed mother, you have all the legal rights. Reply 1.9k ...


Product - micheozo • 1d NTA why would your bf screw over yalls future child like that. Think about their future!!!! Twilight is not a good foundation for a good life Reply 74 ...


Human body - TearDropltLikeltsHot • 1d NTA. Anybody who says otherwise has named their kid Britneigh, Laklynn, or Spock. Reply 424


Font - NTA I have a stutter and can't even say Renesmae out loud OK, I'm glad you said something. Because the whole time l'm reading this I'm wondering "how the hell are you supposed to pronounce that?" Reens-may? Ren-iz-my? Reply 111 ...


Human body - VirtualEconomy • 1d · Craptain [185] NTA. You should both be able to agree on a name, and it doesn't really bode well for the future if you can't do that. Reply 1 51 ...


Human body - _Deletion • 1d · Partassipant [1] NTA lol I don't think I've ever met a bigger twilight fan than this. Regardless, you deserve a say in what you name your daughter. Reply δΈͺ 27 ...

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