Sunday, January 17, 2021

Woman Calls Roommate's Dreams Of Being An Influencer "Pathetic"

Sometimes the reality checks can really hit hard. It sounds like this particular roommate though was in need of a wakeup call. With that being said, maybe this woman could've let her roommate down a little bit easier. You've got to be a little bit gentle when you're going about crushing people's lofty dreams. 


Text - 21 2 24 O 15 3 14 3 16 AITA for telling my roommate her aspirations of being an influencer are "fucking pathetic"? TL;DR: Roommate works a minimum of 50 hours a week and can barely support him and his girlfriend. She wants to be an influencer and isn't bringing home any income. After witnessing the boyfriend have a mental breakdown from being overworked, I told the girlfriend that her aspirations were "fucking pathetic".


Text - I've lived with a couple for a little over a year and a half. I'm in my early 20's, they're in their early 30's. The boyfriend works 2 minimum wage jobs, at least 50 hours a week in order to provide for the two of them as the girlfriend is striving to be an "influencer" and doesn't have a job. She spends most of her time taking pictures to post on Instagram and dming brands trying to get sponsorships. So far no income has come from this. Last week, the boyfriend had a complete breakdown (


Text - Skip forward to last night and l'm sitting chatting with the girlfriend and the topic of money came up. She started to complain that they weren't making enough money for her to do the things she wanted. I politely asked her if getting a job and doing the Instagram thing on the side was an option, and she immediately got defensive. She told me that "of course that isn't an option" and that she shouldn't have to put her dreams on hold. Confused, I asked her what those dreams are. She said t


Text - Later that evening I get a text from the boyfriend saying what I said crossed a line and now because of me, she thinks that he believes she does nothing and her "dreams" are pathetic. I feel bad but holy crap, I couldn't just sit by and bite my tongue. AITA? 19.5k 1.4k ↑, Share


Text - ThreeHourNap • 13h • Partassipant [4] 5 Awards NTA He might not realize it yet, but you were a good friend to him. Hopefully, he'll soon realize that she's using him. Reply 1 20.4k 3 ...


Text - LAKingsofMetal · 13h · Professor Emeritass [98] S 1 Award Man...this is one of the few times I wish we had a "justified asshole" option... You may have crossed a line, but l'm hard pressed to give you any shit for it. Although you may have to reconcile a bit with your friend, but l'm gonna say NTA. Edit - wording Reply 1 5.9k 3 ...


Text - Frozendoghot • 13h 1 Award NTA. From your description, this couple is in some kind of toxic and potentially volatile co-dependency situation. However, you should tread very lightly, as anything even the slightest bit critical you say to a lazy narcissist will not register in a constructive manner. You might want to apologize for overstepping your bounds if that's viable. The boyfriend needs to look at the big picture and speak up. He's being abused. No one should suffer in silence. He mig


Text - scrappy8350 • 13h • Asshole Aficionado [14] NTA. She IS pathetic, not just her aspirations. Being honest isn't being an AH, it's being honest. I wish your friends would dump her for the sake of his mental AND physical health. Reply 1 855 •.. +


Text - rabidturbofox• 10h NTA I wish my roommate had said this aloud when I was working 80+ hours a week to support my asshole ex who was determined to become the next smash hit bodybuilding influencer and MLM success story by doing..nothing. Now that the fog has lifted, I keep giggling over him leaving me for Advocare. It would have been nice if our roommate had actually said something to help snap me out of it beforehand instead of enabling him and then saying "I knew it all along." GTFO with


Text - kbaby0246 • 13h NTA. She needs a reality check. + Reply 126


Text - heardbutnotseen2 • 12h Wow. This girl is in her 30s? Being an "influencer" wasn't even a thing when she was a kid growing up. What was her life plan? She needs a major reality check. Reply 1 150 ...


Text - raeofsunshine181 • 13h NTA, sometime tough love is the best way. I hate Instagram for the influencers, like who actually buys something an influencer recommends, when you know they are being paid to promote it. Stupid stupid stupid. Good on you for standing up for your mate, you probably have made life a bit more difficult for him in the short term, so you could apologise for that. I am sure if you say it was coming from a place of care and worry for him he will appreciate it, once the "i


Text - HolyCrappolla123 · 12h 2 Awards NTA she has no idea what she is doing. My SO started a YouTube channel on the side, it's a niche interest after x years they enough subs and make about 10k from it. We don't rely on that income, it's fluid and changes month to month. 99.9% of people who call themselves an influencer or an entrepreneur are self absorbed morons that can't function in real world jobs because they are assholes. Whether they are selfish, self absorbed, lazy, millennial-esque, re


Text - WishingAnaStar • 11h 1 Award I really want to say N/T/A - like I don't think really you said anything out of line, but I think you fumbled it by saying that to the girlfriend. You should of just told the guy to break up with his girlfriend, and made you case to him about why. YTA, you initiated a fight in a relationship where you won't see the majority of the blowback, or they'll both gang up on you. It was just a stupid move for everyone involved, imo. The girlfriend is an asshole too, b


Text - betonthebirds • 13h · Asshole Enthusiast [6] NTA. In an unjustifiable way, at least. You were correct. The issues they have in their relationship were caused by her creating them, not you pointing them out. And, I'm no influencer but it is more work than I think she realizes and she just wants the fame to fall in her lap without realizing how low her chances most likely are. Like, what happens if he decides to just be a movie star with no effort and stop paying for her things? He shouldn'


Text - norskljon • 12h NTA. The phrase "fucking pathetic" fits her perfectly. People don't get much more entitled than that. The boyfriend needs to stop supporting her and force her to get a real job. Does she really think everyone out there with a job is living the dream? That waiters and secretaries and garbage men, etc., love what they do? Your friend needs to get a grip and wake up. Reply 8 ...

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