Monday, January 11, 2021

Triumphant Times Liars Got Called Out

Nothing quite gets us going like the blatant liars of the online world that insist on trying to pawn off their bundles of lies on people that they just don't think will call them out on their dishonest antics. So, when we see liars actually getting called out for all the BS, it just makes our hearts grow warm. 


Text - purplemonkey55· ly When I worked at a fast food joint, I had someone call in during the opening shift while we were still prepping everything for the day. He tells me he was just there and that the service was terrible and his order was wrong. I asked him when exactly he came in, he said about half an hour ago. I said, "Oh that's weird, because we don't even open for another 45 minutes." He just hung up without a word. 5.2k ...


Text - Caedo14 · 1y I was waiting at a red light behind a red bmw. I saw that it's bumper was kinda fucked up. The light turns green and he starts going and i slowly accelerate like any normal human. Then he slams on his brakes and i do the same. Dont hit him at all. He reverses into my car then turns on his hazards and pulls into the shopping complex near us. We exchange information. I am absolute calm. Later at small claims court after rejecting his claim with my insurance: Him: yes your honor


Text - generator827 • 1y 1 Award My supervisor was talking about my private h.r. meetings to my coworkers at my same level, which they told me right away. Went like this; Me: hey [boss], please don't discuss my hr meetings with my coworkers. I don't care if you tell other managers or my lead, but not my peers. Boss: I didn't talk about that! Me: [coworker] said he heard it from you. So did [other coworker]. Boss: oh. He shouldn't have heard that Me: I agree! He wouldn't take responsibility at al


Text - BizarreBreak89 · ly Some guys came into the bookstore I was working at during Black Friday and tried to tell me a guy coworker gave them the okay for a steep discount. I flat out told them they were lying because I was the only guy working there....and the only one working there since we opened....two years prior. Every other worker up to the manager was female. And the district manager was a guy but if he gave discounts, it was an email with an attachment with his signature and he would


Text - Spooty03 · 1y We were on a conference call. A supervisor took credit for all the work in a cross-departmental project. He wasn't even a part of the project; his subordinate, Craig, was. I called him on it in front of about 40 people. I said that even Craig didn't do any work. The real star of the show was Leslie, the intern assigned to help us, since she did 75% of the work. The supervisor got fired several months later for some other issues. A lot of people on the call reached out to me,


Text - Waronmymind · 1y Went on a trip with some close friends. One of the girls (girl A) couldn't find an expensive pair of sunglasses and was really upset as she knew she hadn't lost them outside. She had a feeling one of the girls ( girl B) has taken it who had already denied seeing them. Started packing up the car when Girl A suddenly demands Girl B to open up her luggage to look for the sunglasses. Girl B gets irritate that anyone would think she took them (we all had a feeling she did) and


Text - RonSwansonsOldMan • 1y My ex-wife told my kids I didn't pay child support regularly. I was able to lay out each and every receipt for 3 years showing each payment made on time or early. But I wouldn't say triumphant. There are no winners in divorce. 4.1k ...


Text - Zakkx3 • 1y We had a lady call our store and tell us that our manager had put an Xbox on hold for 40% off and was confirming it was there for pickup. I asked for the name of the manager "I don't remember the name, but it was a guy." So I responded "Yeah, we don't have a male manager at the store, all the managers are female. Also that manager would more likely than not be fired, they can't mark stuff more than 10-% off without it being marked down in the system already." I couldn't like t


Text - genericname400 • ly I created a binder for a hotel my company owns with forms and templates. I highlighted and wrote explanations on everything. About a month later I go to the property to assist with some things and the GM brings out the binder and says "yeah I just put this together as a tool for us here". I immediately tell him "no you didn't I made that and gave it to you". His face went white as he tried to recover saying "well I added a few things".. He didn't. .... .. Loved the fac


Text - ohmygodbecky117 · 1y I was at a music festival that requires you to wear a white bangle (green for musicians). This random guy was trying to hook up with a girl friend of mine. He was telling her that he's a musician and that he's playing a gig the next day and that she should come watch. He was using the musician thing to basically get into her pants. I was there with her, listening to the guy and at the end of his long session of bragging and attempted flirting I just asked him why he w


Text - kcmisery • 1y Only witness not involved, an auto shop angry customer ahead of me was shouting "we been here more than two hours" the shop manager gets out a piece of paper "we printed the work order you signed less than 30 minutes ago" 3.0k


Text - captmorgan230 • ly My freshman year of highschool there was a girl who claimed to have her drivers license already even though we were all too young. It was pretty funny to see her face when she showed up in the same drivers ed class that you needed to complete before getting your license that I was in. The next DAY at lunch she tried to lie about it again, so I told her to show everyone her license to prove it. She tried to make up some bullshit so I told everybody she was lying and I ha


Text - common-teenager • 1y A dude was trying to blame two other guys(who are like the kindest souls out there) of forcing themselves on a girl. So i just asked him "how did you know the details if you weren't there?" He stared at me for a minute before saying "she(the girl) told me" he didn't see her standing in the crowd but i did, so i just asked her "hey is this true" she said no and he was the one who tried to force himself on her, dude1 and dude2 were there to save her. 3.5k ...


Text - lydiebug225 · 1y I had a customer once call and say she had bought these ice cream sandwiches the week before and they were all freezer burned. She was super aggressive and was yelling, so I very politely confirmed the exact product she bought- she yelled, "Yes that one! That's what I've been telling you!" And I said, "Ma'am we discontinued those six months ago." She stuttered a bit and hung up. I was nineteen, it was my first job, and it was SO SATISFYING. 296 •..


Text - danyelviana • 1y Once I called out a councilwoman lying on the radio, she lied about something I had worked on (public servant here) saying it was her idea, I called the radio station giving a fake name and called her out. hahahah 4.1k ... +


Text - fjuckthisshit · 1y An acquaintance of mine tried telling another friend of mine we were dating. I told him to stop his shitty lies and stay away from me. Some time later, six months to a year, I bumped into him again and we talked a little bit. He then tried to claim he was dating a colleague of his that I had met. I didn't believe him for a second, so I found her on Facebook and told her. The guy almost lost his job. It was a wierd feeling busting him. On one hand I loved the take down,

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