Monday, January 18, 2021

History Memes That Are Better Than Book Learning

If there's one benefit to learning history (other than developing a keener understanding of the world and your context in it) it's getting sweet history memes. Knowing what happened to various astronauts or the attitudes of different colonial powers may not win you any popularity contests, but it sure is fun to look at history memes and become one with time.


Animation - *caveman eats a berry and dies in agony *other cavemen be like* Write that down, write that down!


Finger - Plato after deciding that only philosophers could be kings Everyone is stupid except me


Cheek - GIVE ME BACK MY LEGIONS! Who are you? How did you get into my house? I found Rome a city of Bricks... and left it a city of marble


Face - The CIA declassifying documents from the Cold War Was all this legal? Absolutely fucking not.


Organism - The Mongols pillaging Asia and killing 10% of the world population The Mongols when it came to freedom of religion


Font - Being tolerant to other religions Killing every one equally Mongols


Nose - You think this is funny? Vikings naming an island covered 90% in ice Greenland


Animation - Medieval peasants when the local priest is preaching in Latin: He is speaking the language of god


Text - historicalevents Follow Wareieghants cecrited paiopdap lamuda yue Set or atleact seceal years at one yoint en ittory One oft ecniteet or deploymet of seall mtrbers of war eleyhaots at one poant an httory War elegees ot ఊడి Historical range of the use of war elephants throughout history thedogopera Follow me, a simple English pikeman watching a war elephant rampaging through Kent: wots all this then


Finger - 16th century Italian choirs when they needed a voice higher than a tenor


Sleeve - Leoņardo Da Vinci predicting the helicopter in 1519: You're about...420 years too early.


Text - Poland: *holds Prussia as vassal for 194 years* Prussia: *makes Poland be off the world map for 123 years* We're even now, bitch.


Human - France : I'm not gonna help a damn colony to revolt U.S :It's agaisnt the brits France :


Bicycle tire - 2George Washington America George Washington warning against a two party system America


Nose - Napoleon: *visits the grave of Frederick the Great* Napoleon: Now here was a King! A truly great ruler! A truly great soldier! If he was still in charge I never would have conquered Prussia. The Current King of Prussia, standing right there:


Product - Ottoman Empirelin 1683 Ottoman Empire in 1914


Text - This onion won't make me cry Franz Ferdinand spent his final moments trying to comfort his wife, and ignored the bullet in his neck


Face - German soldier who just transferred from the Eastern Front @mianauppe Guy who's been in the Western Front since 1914


Head - Customer in Weimar Republic: WO WO How much is this loaf of bread? Shopkeeper in Weimar Republic: One billion gagillion fafillion shabadabalo shabadamillion shabaling shabalomillion marks


Personal protective equipment - A history of military sucess One recent war lost ...


Lip - Austria after every world war That wasn't me. That wasGermany


Text - Elvis Presley's manager sold "I Hate Elvis" badges as a way to make money from people who weren't buying Elvis merchandise COLD @FreskyHistory TARAR I'm playing both sides, so that I always come out on top.


Automotive lighting - A nuclear blast 0330 A wooden desk Kids during the Cold War

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