Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Entitled Stepmom's A Monster To Diner Staff, Kids Take Revenge

It's embarrassing to have to drag around a person who has no inkling of respect for the people around them. They're like an angry, walking liability who's mean to servers. That's why it's so nice to see someone like that get served a little taste of delicious humble pie. oOr another satisfying one, here's a customer who weaponized a tip jar to defeat a Karen.


Font - Posted by u/AQuietBorderline 14 hours ago E 27e10 3 13 E 13 My French Stepmother Learns The Hard Way That Americans Can Cook oc XL This happened today and my brother and I are still are laughing about it, except Gabrielle (said stepmother) and Dad (who is embarrassed). Dad came into town to visit my brother (let's call him Mark) and me for a few days and brought Gabrielle with him. Gabrielle has her good traits...but she does have this one really nasty trait. She is notoriously picky/crit


Font - Going out to eat with her is embarrassing. She constantly sends back food, is insistent on food being made a certain way and always demands certain things done a certain way. One time, she asked the waiter to bring some mustard to the table...not 2 minutes later, she called him back because "the mustard is old, bring us a new unopened bottle". More than once, I've had to apologize to the wait staff on my family's behalf and told the manager that I will vouch for them should Gabrielle leav


Font - When they got here yesterday, for some reason, they insisted they wanted to go out to dinner. Dad recommended our new favorite new diner, which is known for its breakfasts at any time of the day. We live close to a major interstate and the saying about truckers knowing all the best diners and holes in the wall in all 50 states and then some is true. It's a greasy spoon in every sense of the word. Right out of the 1950's, every leather booth filled with truckers or locals, waitresses who a


Font - It may not look like a 5 star restaurant, it has some of the best breakfasts you're ever going to eat. I was hesitant to take Gabrielle there if only because I didn't want to ruin the staff's day. Mark and I have been there enough times that the wait staff/cooks know us. However, Dad wanted Gabrielle to experience "a true American classic" and was offering to pay. So off we (reluctantly) went. Luckily, we got there during a not really busy time, so I told Dad to find a parking spot and I


Font - We go in, get our booth...and Gabrielle tries pulling her usual stunts. I won't go into everything she did because we'llI be here forever but I'll leave a highlight reel. 1). Gabrielle sent Mary back three times with the coffee because (in order "it was too cold", "it was too hot" and "not enough cream". Finally Mary (who doesn't let anybody push her around) just slapped the coffee pot on the table along with the cream/sugar and told Gabrielle to make do because she wasn't going back to g


Font - 2). While waiting (and probably still stewing from Mary's little come back with the coffee), Gabrielle decided to accost Stephanie, who had just started and tell her to get some fresh biscuits. Not ask. Tell. Poor Stephanie (who is understandably anxious about her job) does as told and then Gabrielle made a fuss about the packets of butter not being soft enough, despite Stephanie explaining that all the butter was kept cold for safety reasons. Gabrielle made a snide remark about how Steph


Font - 3). When our meals did arrive, Gabrielle was quiet during the meal, not making comments. I was unsure what was going to happen as a result. Either she really liked it (which I doubted, seeing as I've never seen her compliment anyone's cooking whenever we've gone out) or she was planning some nasty barb (which I feared). When Mary dropped off the bill, Gabrielle took it before Dad could and said she was paying. Because I was sitting next to her, Gabrielle left a big fat 0 in the tip line a


Font - I was pissed when I read that note and was about ready to slap Gabrielle. I know the chefs/servers who work at this particular diner learned their skills on the job and, if you ask me, they have every right to be as proud of their work as someone who went to culinary school would be. While I'm looking at going to culinary school myself to become a pastry chef...I respect people who've learned by working in kitchens/on the floor because they have first hand experience. I took out $100 usin


Font - There was a benefit to this lockdown. During this time, bored out of our wits and wanting to better our skills, Mark and I have been binge watching recipe and cooking how to videos online along with practicing. And while I don't like bragging.I'd say we've become quite good. We know how to smoke our own bacon, cure corned beef, make creamy scrambled eggs and bake flaky croissants...and that's just a sampling. When we got home, I told Mark my plan and he was grinning ear to ear. The next d


Font - Dad came downstairs first and Mark asked him to set the table. Gabrielle came down as we were finishing up and she sits down, not offering to help. While Gabrielle commented about how it smells just like a restaurant she went to in France and couldn't wait to taste everything, Mark and I served Dad and our plates before putting everything back. Gabrielle looked at us, confused. I looked at her, "Oh, I thought you were going to a French cafe for breakfast" I said. "You did write on the rec


Font - "Well, hop to it." I said, sitting down. "Enjoy your French breakfast with your French chefs." Gabrielle's face reddened before she left. I don't know if she was embarrassed or angry...but we were able to have a nice breakfast without any of Gabrielle's complaining. She did come back after getting breakfast and has been nice and quiet all day. Hopefully she's learned her lesson and Dad grows a backbone.

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