Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Bat Invades Boutique Store, Chaos Ensues

You've got to love the reaction from the one elderly customer in particular. They've clearly exhausted all their hysterical reactions that they had to give in this lifetime. Instead, they just look at the whole panicked situation as it unfolds as life deciding to present an adventure. That poor employee that worked at the boutique must've been all kinds of shook. 


Product - r/tifu u/Tajinaddict · 1d + Join 1 12 11 S 13 21 TIFU by touching what I thought was a leaf M I work at a boutique. We sell clothes and perfume and candles, that kind of stuff. So last week, we were rearranging racks for a sale and my boss tells me to move some pants around.


Font - I go over to this rack of culottes that NO ONE ever looks at because they're ridiculous, I don't even know why they're on the floor during winter. I start flipping through them to see what sizes there are and I spot something small and brown on one of the pants. Sometimes we'll put a rack of clothes on the sidewalk if the weather is nice, but that hasn't been for at least a month. So I just think, damn truly no one looks at these pants, how has this leaf been on here so long. I look at it


Font - So naturally, I just start screaming. This thing falls on the floor and starts making tiny screechy noises. I bolt to the other side of the store at this point because that one episode of The Office absolutely terrified me. In the process, I knock over a mannequin and dent the crap out of the wood floor. There are a few customers in the store and one of them just keeps yelling WHAT'S GOING ON?! WHAT WHAT WHAT IS IT?! Our little old 70 year old customer sees this tiny winged rat on the flo


Font - This bat just takes off, flying all over the place. Cue all the customers (except the 70 y/o) running in opposite directions, one knocking over a jewelry display and another taking down the curtain to a fitting room. I start yelling for my boss because this was not covered in my training. She comes running carrying two doormats. Looking back, I have no idea what she was planning to do with those. I grab a shoe box as if I'm somehow going to get high enough to catch it.


Font - The bat finally flew to the back of the store and crawled into the gap above our air conditioning vent. All the customers but the 70 year old left, props to her. She actually said "| didn't think I was gonna go on an adventure today." That was pretty cute. Thankfully, the bat was caught and released the next day. But yeah, in hindsight, I really wish l'd taken the extra few seconds to register what I was looking at so I could've avoided sending everyone into a complete panic and breaking

6. A fair number of folks have had their run-ins with bats.

Font - markofcontroversy · 1d We had bats in my house several times when I was a kid. Catching them and setting them free was always a fun adventure. One time I actually had two bats in my bedroom. They woke me up flying around in the middle of the night. (It was summer, no air conditioning, and no screens, so the windows were wide open to the night). I caught one in a sheet, threw it out the window, and as I was trying to catch the second one the first flew back in. That's when I learned that I


Font - aDistractedDisaster • 1d O1 Award Lmao, old ladies are bad-ass. My brother and I (I think we were 14 and 10 respectively) were staying with my grandparents in their country and we were not used to wild animals. One humid night, while we were eating dinner, a bat flies in through the open doors to the apartments balcony. My brother and I start freaking out and running from the bat and screaming the entire time, meanwhile my grandmother goes and grabs a newspaper and starts rolling it up. O


Font - OrneryMood · 1d 1 Award My mother had dementia and had to come live with my wife and I in an apartment. She knew she was having memory problems and other issues, and it was hard on her. One morning she came out and said, "There is a bat in my room." I could tell she thought I wasn't going to believe her and it was upsetting her. "I have been watching it fly around for a while." "I'll go take a look mom." I open he door to her room and there is a bat flying around the room. When I said , "


Font - IceManJim • 1d My wife and I were sitting at the kitchen table a few years ago, on a Saturday morning, after breakfast, she was enjoying her coffee and I had some orange juice. We were planning our day and watching the birds on the feeders and chatting. Every once in a while we heard this strange squeak, we couldn't tell where it was coming from. We had never heard it but it wasn't very loud so maybe it was something outside. I said something funny, as I often do, and she thumped her hand

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