Saturday, January 30, 2021

Dudes Avoid Chaotic Evil With Skimpy Outfits And Love

Tumblr did a good thing with this fun and wild little story about a Professor who dodged ultimate danger, with some skimpy clothing and kindness. Seriously, whether this story is real or not, it is amazing. Just picturing a bunch of laughing, smiling dudes out on an adventure, dancing and entertaining for their kicks at night, taking none of it seriously, is enough to warm the heart. Glad to hear that they managed to avoid a perilous predicament. 

Take in some more fun from Tumblr with this post about how dwarves have intelligent super beards.


Text - kvinnfolk wanna hear a wild story? my brother's history professor is closing in on 80 and basically lives at the university. one night my brother visited him for a meeting, and it came up that my brother was gonna be performing as a court jester at the castle the following day. and his professor busts out: "ah, that reminds me of my youth!" he then proceeded to tell the tale of when he and his friends went backpacking to greece back in their early 20s. then one day they found themselves c


Text - after a week or so they gained some traction, and a gang of young greek men walked up to them like “hey y'all are cool as hell, can we join y'all for drinks tonight?" and my brother's professor was like "of course! y'all have to wear these revealing outfits and do somersaults with us tho" and the greek gang said "sounds dope. y'all are invited to live with us for however long y'all want." anyhow, they proceeded to live like this for the better part of 3 months, doing shows, drinking, and


Text - half a year later my brother's professor gets contacted by the greek police. they ask him about the months they spent in greece, and then informs him that their greek friends have been convicted of serial homicide and robbery. that the group of young greek men had joined up with several tourist groups for several years "for drinks", and then killed and robbed them all, terrorising the beach city for several years. with one exception, of course, because “this one group of swedish acrobats

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