Friday, January 15, 2021

Customer Tries To Scam Bar For Free Drinks, Non-Alcoholic Revenge Ensues

Nothing's worse than dealing with an entitled cheapskate customer who thinks that they can just go ahead and scam a hard working restaurant for free food and drinks by complaining about said food and drinks, eating/drinking said food/drinks, and then getting more right thereafter. That just isn't how the world works. Sometimes folks need the wakeup call. In this case the watchful bartender decided to intervene and serve up a belligerent Karen customer some non-alcoholic revenge. Tastes pretty dang sweet. 


Blue - r/pettyrevenge + Join u/dearghewls 6d 8 e 8 3 3 1 8 2 Lady wanted to get drinks free, so I made them worth that price... I'm a bartender and the area I work in is upper class and petty as hell. As I tell people all the time "I don't go out here, I just work here." One random night not too long ago l'm making drinks at the well for servers to take to their customers at their tables while the other bartenders handle our bar top guests.


Text - It's the middle of our rush and one of my servers comes up with a drink 1/4 full and sets it down saying the customer hates it and was demanding a different drink. Specifically, they wanted a vodka mojito. I was too busy to put up a fight and the poor girl looked run down already from the night, so I went ahead and made it, even though it was obvious the woman was just looking for free shit. The server runs the drink to the table and it happens to be the table closest to my well so I can


Text - The server tried to say something but was rudely cut off and told to get it remade again, so she picks up the glass and walks over to me. "I'm so sorry OP," she starts, and I immediately tell her it's okay, I saw the whole thing. "Girl, don't worry. I got you." So I remade the woman's drink. One virgin mojito coming up. Nuthin but mint, lime, simple, and soda water. I cannot explain the satisfaction we both felt when that drink hit the table and we watched the woman sip it and go "Now THA

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