Friday, November 27, 2020

A Few Great, Stupid Loopholes That Worked

When we're told that something just can't be done, there's a powerful few of us who look at the rules in play and take another whack at it. It might err on the side of deception, but at the same time, it's not against the rules. For an awesome one, here's a student who took advantage of a dry ice loophole that made a mockery of a robotics competition.


Text - What is the dumbest solution to a problem that actually worked? + 27.7k i Share 14.9k Stellapotamus • 8h I went to cancel a doctor's appointment and they said it was a $200 charge without a week's notice. I asked how much it was to reschedule, they said it was free. "Okay, so I need to reschedule for two weeks out." "Is three weeks okay?" "Yep." "Alright, you're all set for three weeks from now. Anything else I can do for you?" "Yes, I need to cancel my appointment." "We need a week's not


Text - wivernryder The auxiliary water pump on my car broke (the plastic rotted and cracked so it was spewing coolant everywhere) and the mechanic wanted me to pay $300 for a $150 part. I went to an auto store and bought the part for just under $150 and was gonna have the me- chanic install it until I called them back and they said they don't install customer parts. So I figured if they won't install customer parts, they'll at least fix existing problems with the vehicle. So, naturally I poorly


Text - WORD hotmolasses I went to my doctor's office and asked if they had any slots open for that day. They told me they don't take walk-ins, you have to call ahead for an appointment. So I pulled out my phone and called the office. The other receptionist answered the phone and the first one literally WATCHED ME say "I'd like to make an appointment today if you have any slots available." He said to me (on the phone) all they had available was for 9:00, could I make it in time? I said "Yep, I'm

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