Monday, July 13, 2020

Tumblr Thread: Importance Of Giving Customers What They Ask For

This Tumblr thread pulls together people with all kinds of food allergies, after one insensitive, mean spirited movie theater employee cracked a sassy joke about not following through with customers' orders as they requested. Of course, kitchen mishaps occur and sometimes a meal gets legitimately messed up; but let's all try to take extra caution with those meals being prepared for folks with life threatening food allergies. 

Check out another Tumblr thread with this nice Tumblr user who cleared up a case of food allergies.


Text - work at a movie theater and when skinny bitches order diet coke, Igive them regular. Wahahahaha theforcekeepers DO NOT DO THIS. This makes me so angry.


Text - If you work in a movie theater and you do this I have no respect for you. My younger brother is Type 1 Diabetic. When we go to a movie theater, we always get intolerant but because of stomach ulcers that are still healing. A couple years ago I went to Starbucks right after my classes with some friends and asked for a green tea latte with soy milk. The barista, for some reason out of malice and/or hate for her life so she took it out on me, gave me whole milk in my latte.


Text - 5 minutes after my first sip of latte, my stomach cramped BAD. Not the "Oh! time to poop!" kind of cramp but it felt like someone had stabbed me with a knife and twisted it. Now I've had this happen before so I knew the cause of it. I went up to the barista clutching my gut screaming at her that she put dairy in my latte rather than soy LIKE I REQUESTED. She denied it and called me a "pretentious white girl for wanting soy"and so my friends got the manager. I had to explain that I had sto


Text - Manager flipped his shit and the barista was terrified out of her mind. Pretty sure both thought i was gonna sue. Manager actually fired her on the spot because of the negligence. My friends managed to get me home in one piece while I stayed home for 3 days in absolute agony and missed my midterm. So remember kiddies, if someone is asking for Diet or "Skinny" or "soy" or anything that is not regular, give them what they requested be- cause it may not be them being healthy, but a dietary n


Text - housebuiltbyghosts also if they ARE trying to be healthy you should give it to them to!! Its not your decision to police or question others food choices!!! also im lactose intolerant AND ive had stomach infections/ulcers so i feel this. classykatelyn I have Celiac Disease, so l'm very gluten intolerant. When I go out to eat at restaurants a lot of people just assume that I asked my food gluten free because of the glu diet fad (which is usually a bullshit diet btw).


Text - Last month I went out to dinner with a friend at an italian restaurant that had a small gluten free menu. I had been there once before and had their gluten free pasta and it was great! I think one of the managers had been there and was super helpful when taking my order to make sure that everything was gluten free for me. When I ordered the gluten free pasta again this time though, the waitress who took my order all but rolled her eyes at me. I didn't think much of it at the time, because


Text - Barfing and agonizing pain aside, eating gluten when you have celiac causes a lot of internal damage that's hard to notice. The biggest thing is that it damages your intestines, preventing your body from absorbing nutrients properly, which can take months to heal. So PLEASE, if you work at a restaurant or any- thing with food and someone asks for some- thing a certain way, please listen to them and don't just disregard someone's order. It's not funny and it can have serious consequences.


Text - toboldlygowherethewinchestersare I will reblog this with every single story about someone getting sick because of an asshole giving them the opposite of what they ordered until it sinks in for everyone. sailornightfury Recently on the news a 16 year old boy with a dairy allergy had gone to eat at IHOP with his family. The specifically asked if they could make dairy free pancakes and they said yes. Not too long after he had a reaction and was rushed to the hospital. This kid died because t


Text - obstinate-nocturna My youngest cousin – who is now five, he just started kindergarten - has Celiac's disease. You would not BELEIVE the amount of times I've heard my aunt say she's ordered some- thing gluten free, only to watch the waiter or waitress's eyes go huge when she gives it to my cousin – my cousin with the medical id band on his tiny five year old wrist proclaiming I HAVE CELIACS and have to take it back. Shit like this could kill my cousin. Knock it the fuck off.


Text - iopele I cannot tolerate caffeine-it makes me have chest pain and a racing pulse, and also gives me horrible body pain, so I always ask for decaf if order coffee when I'm out. and doublecheck with the waiter/ress when they bring it. but instead of saying "is this decaf like I asked for?" I always say "oh, did I remember to order decaf?" I shouldn't have to act like I'm the forgetful one (because I know damn well I asked for decaf) but it seems to work better than implying that they screwe


Text - but I shouldn't HAVE to share my personal medical history with strangers just to get my order right! no one should! how is it their business? it makes me really uncomfortable to have to do that. JUST GIVE PEOPLE WHAT THEY ORDER! minnigem I've reblogged this maaaany times before but there's a few new stories on here so i'm doing it again. cut this shit out willowfae82 don't be that kind of asshole.


Text - untapdtreasure As a diabetic, this would make me so beyond angry. Skinny doesn't mean they don't have a life threatening illness. Skinny doesn't mean they can process sugar the way you do. People that do this are the worst kinds of people. DO NOT DO THIS! evilythedwarf Me and my family went to a restaurant a few years back and one of the dishes we ordered was made with wine vinegar, which I am allergic to, so we asked the waiter to skip it, and he said sure, no problem, that's fine.


Text - So my food gets to the table, and I start eating and then my throat closes and I can't breathe and then I start coughing and throwing up right there in the middle of the restaurant and it was very fortunate that I was with my family and they knew what was happening to me. I had to be rushed to the hospital, and admitted, and I came damn near close to having my throat cut open so I could breathe through a whole on my neck. Because they put wine vinegar in my food when I explicitly told the


Text - carnistprivilege i have cyclic vomiting syndrome and can't tolerate dairy or red meat. violating my dietary restrictions triggers an acute episode, and i have to be hospitalized and given iv saline, ativan, and anti-emetics to stop the (extremely painful and incapacitating) vomiting. if somebody put regular milk instead of soy milk in my latte and i didn't notice the taste immediately, i could wind up in the er and then spend several days in bed recovering, eating nothing but saltines and


Text - means my damn barista has to cooperate. if somebody decided i was a stuck up white girl and gave me whole milk instead of soy they could put me in the hospital and cost me days of income. give ppl the food they fuckin order. it's not that hard. fiaspice Reblogging because it's so important. I'm "lucky" I don't have any food allergies or intolerence, but it makes me mad when people take them not seriously, think you are picky or just following a "white girl diet fad". 90% of people don't t


Text - Well yeah, watery and itchy eyes, but I start wo wheeze and have trouble breathing. They don't give epi-pen for those (anyway you have to go to the hospital after) just inhaler. It's no miracle, specially if I didn't take other meds before. When people tell you about their allergies or restriction, trust them! 40yodater Reblogging for all the stories here because this is sooo important! I have a severe allergy to gluten and relate to MANY of the stories above. My daughter has a severe all


Text - greenteamoon I'm super lactose intolerant so accidental milk is always fun. Severe diarrhea, stomach cramps, bloating, and gas like you wouldn't believe. Better than death you might say but, I have other medical conditions, so that diarrhea could lead to vomiting(it's so bad the vomit comes out my mouth AND nose) and dehydration that in turn becomes low cortisol and adrenal crisis. A bitchy barista can land me in the hospital with an intramuscular shot and saline iv. Hun, it takes no time


Text - trickstersgambit I'm allergic to pork. Legit allergic. I can't count how many times I've had to ask it off my food only to receive it with bacon or ham or something on it. Please respect peoples food requests. It costs 0.00$ to not be a dick. prismatic-bell I actually have customers who say they'll only eat at my restaurant when I'm there, because they know I require all policy to be followed, as in "I will kick you the fuck off your shift if you skimp," if someone says the words "I have


Text - your gloves. ?" On my shifts your gloves get changed, that line gets wiped down with a new cloth, paper under EVERY ITEM for the person with the allergy, bag their food separately to prevent contact. If there's a risk of cross-contamination with an allergen, like tomatoes in the guac because stuff spills when you're moving as fast as we do, l'll open a new bag of food. I learned the ingredients in every item we serve so I could advise people on hidden allergens (e.g., there's a small amou


Text - way nicer than the general population, I gotta say.) Don't do it. If someone's a petty asshole to you, give them too much ice in their drink. Don't play with their health. tired-philosopher DO NOT FUCKING SCROLL PAST THIS PLEASE iambloggingthat Reblogging this again because it is important. Doing the right thing has no cost but doing the wrong thing can cost a person's life. Don't be a dick, give the person what they ordered

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