Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Creepy Girls that Dudes Have Encountered

Men typically bear the brunt of being creepy and weird in relationships, like these toxic nice guys that women dated, but that doesn't mean that dudes are never on the receiving end of some skin crawling, creepy behavior. For another big red flag, here'sa woman who bombarded a dude's phone with a storm of texts.


Text - cojallison99 5.6k points · 20 hours ago Girl in my dorm. She had a crush on my roommate. My roommate clearly didn't like and told her several times. Things got out of hand and there were times where my roommate would come running back to the room yelling "lock the door, lock the door" and moments later the girl and her friend would try to come barge in without permission. What's creepy is this next part. Apparently one night we accidentally left our room unlocked and she decided to sneak


Text - quats5 3.5k points · 22 hours ago Not a guy myself, but one I dated had a couple fun stories. One was a girl he got set up with by friends on a blind date. As they went out to dinner, they passed a jewelry store, and she insisted on going in so they could "pick out rings for when they get engaged." He paid for dinner and noped right out. The second one went better until he took her back to her place, where she went to the kitchen, pulled a nice big, sharp chef's knife, and told him he was


Text - MyNameIsRay 2.0k points · 20 hours ago I started going to a new doctor, the receptionist was cute, so I flirted a bit. In a waiting room, with other patients around. It was pretty innocent, she reciprocated, I figured it was all in good fun. She escalated a bit, stuff like scheduling me for days she was there, calling me directly with reminders, etc. Then she went into the records, got my cell number, and started texting me. Telling me she wants to meet up, she's not happy with her husban


Text - wondernever 11.8k points · 21 hours ago Once, an acquaintance added me on fb. When I clicked on her profile, it said she was in a relationship with someone. That someone was a fake account of me with my picture.


Text - scotty_sterling 8.9k points · 1 day ago - edited 1 day ago I was in new orleans watching some street performers go crazy and a mom came up behind me and fully grabbed both of my ass cheeks, I was 18 and standing next to both of my parents and she said "hey you remind me of my son" which is probably one of the weirdest things to say in that moment


Text - mister_fuckinweebUWU 1.8k points · 22 hours ago This girl followed me home after a date and stayed outside my house and when I came out the next morning and acted like it was Sooooooooo funny we bumped into each other..Itold her I well call the cops and she ran.


Text - myonkin 10.9k points · 21 hours ago · edited 2 hours ago O S I met a girl online. She seemed normal enough so we ended up going out for a drink. I found out that night that she actually lived an hour away in a rural town, but whatever. Well, we went out, had a drink, then went to go play pool. We drove over in my vehicle and when we got to the pool hall she checked her phone and saw she had a text from her ex bf. She proceeded to cry incessantly. I was trapped..I didn't know what to do...


Text - Now for the creepy part. Two days later she texted me but I didn't respond. She kept at it and kept asking if I wanted to go out the next weekend. After multiple texts I messaged her and said I wasn't interested and I had plans to take my friend out for her birthday. This resulted in even more irate messaging about how she "wasn't comfortable with me going out with other girls" and so forth. This resulted in her getting blocked. Turns out she took a "guess" on where we would go (since the


Text - "Are you alright? I'm really worried" the message read. "I'm fine, who is this?" I replied. "It's Creepy Girl" she responded. I ignored it and put my phone down. The next message sent chills down my spine. "I'm really worried! I'm standing outside your house and all the lights are off! Are you sure you're ok?!?!?!" She had never been to my house and I had never given her my last name. My final message before blocking her involved not contacting me or I'd call the police. It turns out she


Text - meltingwaxcandle 1.0k points · 21 hours ago · edited 21 hours ago We were kids, early teens. I thought she was mad cute. She was telling me how once she pushed a boy she liked off the swings and he broke his arm. She was bragging about it. And she liked me now.. "Cool", I thought. "I will now proceed to never see you again".


Text - CpnNemo 709 points · 21 hours ago An ex who urged me to have sex after watching Human Centipede 2.


Text - irving737 569 points · 21 hours ago I once was hanging out with someone, we were on a "getting to know each other" phase, nothing exclusive. I showed her a magic trick, for me it was a very simple magic trick. After the magi trick she started to freak out, saying that she was not into witch stuff or black magic. I tried to explain to her that it was just a simple trick, since then I got a weird vibe. After that I guess my spidey senses were more active since then and I decided to tell her


Text - meexley2 403 points · 21 hours ago My first legitimate relationship was with a super clingy girl that knew way too much about my house after only being there like 3 times. Parents were out of town and we were sitting in the hot tub when the power died. She said "oh you probably need to just reset the breaker, it's in the laundry room on the left wall labeled 'hot tub'." I'm like "how the fuck do you know that?" She got nervous and was like "uhhh I dunno." I broke up with her after she sta


Text - BeardedPotatoMan 213 points · 22 hours ago Had a gf once and things were not really going well, so after repeatedly trying to talk to her and not getting my points across and her saying everything should stay as is i broke up. It was around easter time so my family and me were having a nice dinner etc. As i went to bed i checked my phone... 170-180 missed calls... I took screenshots and sent them to a friend of mine so i could get a "witness" to what had transpired... Tl;dr had a gf and s

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