Landing a job as a teenager is stressful enough because you have to balance high school obligations and work hours. For one teenage girl on Reddit, her work situation has become even more anxiety-inducing thanks to a highly nitpicking boss. According to OP, her boss has been verbally encouraging her to quit the job for a while. Her boss has been judging her for making small mistakes like wearing the wrong uniform or taking too long to make a drink.
These minor mistakes are not repeated offenses, according to OP. To make matters worse, her boss also refuses to give her shifts by edging her out and offering barely any hours. OP notices that her boss offers hours to other employees, but never her. All in all, it appears her boss is holding onto a deep-rooted grudge since OP's coworkers are all seemingly doing just fine.
OP feels like she's being singled out and mistreated. She isn't exactly interested in trying to find another job where she'll have to learn new skills since she's still a busy high school student. People who've responded on Reddit are encouraging her to file for employment for lost wages instead of quitting the job altogether. Fortunately, in some states, collecting unemployment money is possible if you've been hit with reduced hours.
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