If you've never gotten fired, have you even lived? I remember the absolute shame and frankly, heartbreak (I was 16, and very dramatic) I felt when I was called by a manager and promptly fired after being accused of fighting with his wife on the job. The story goes as such: I was looking for a job while I was in high school. I was not a very good student and didn't attend any of my classes, so there were weeks I would stay at home, instead of going to school, and boy was it boring. Eventually, I looked for a job, so I could earn a little cash. I got an interview at a fish restaurant and was overjoyed, but also super nervous. One of my friends was working there, so I thought we'd have a blast. I was interviewed by a lady who I got a feeling didn't like me very much and was told that because I was still in high school, she didn't want to hire me.
Take in mind A. my friend who was also in high school was working there and B. she agreed to interview me whilst knowing I was in high school. I think it's safe to say that my suspicion that she didn't like me was all too correct. After being rejected, her husband, the owner of the restaurant, gave me a call and invited me in for a few shifts. When I showed up, she was there, and asked me, 'What are you doing here?'. I blubbered some sort of response, finished my shift as she glared at me the entire time, and then received an angry, rude phone call that blew my mind in the evening, where the owner was telling me off for arguing with his wife, which I definitely didn't do. Long story short, one decade later, I still hold a grudge. Scroll down for similar, infuriating stories. Next, an employee whose pay was docked, then filed for unemployment.
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