What the boss says goes, even if the job takes hours. This guy was just doing what the boss said, down to the letter, and his adherence to the rules ended excellently.
Lots of entry levels jobs require you to sign off on some rules before you begin the job. And one of those rules usually says something along the lines of, "The employee will complete additional tasks as needed." With that phrase, bosses have the leeway to get their employees to do almost anything under the guise of "additional tasks." However, for this movie theater employee, the extra work meant doing a mountain of shoveling.
This dude's boss really wanted him to shovel an entire movie theater walkway by himself. If only there were a company they could call to show up with snow plows and salt for a fair price… but no, these managers insisted their ushers should tackle this huge task. That's because the snow-plowing budget was combined with the boss's bonus — if he called for a snowplow, he'd basically be paying for it out of pocket. That also seems unfair to the boss! Maybe the boss, too, was trying to maliciously comply with his own boss's rules.
Next up, this employee was the only one in her small office who refused to buy her boss a birthday present.
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