Food is a topic people always bicker over. Parents, siblings, roommates… the closest depiction of reality I can think of at the moment in order to give a proper example of what I mean is Joey, from 'Friends'. He doesn't share food, and most people wouldn't appreciate having their own scrumptious morsels being taken out of the fridge and plopped into somebody else's mouth, either. Especially if that somebody didn't ask for permission.
u/BotsAnonymous expressed his disdain for their vegetarian roommates, who would consistently take his food without asking. There are fewer things as frustrating as the entitledness these roommates seem to portray. It all started a few weeks ago when OP had gotten some cheese bread and placed it in the fridge, saving it for later. Later came and went, and with it, the cheese bread.
As if that wasn't infuriating enough, the roommates had only one excuse to give when confronted… and that was, that they were 'tipsy'. Wow, good one. Why didn't I think of that? So original. But hey, points for admitting to it, right? This became a thing, and the pattern began establishing itself. OP got food, OP was left no food. On and on it went, until one day, OP had had enough and decided to enact some petty, sweet revenge on his vegetarian roommates.
He made sure that they were not as vegetarian as they would have liked to be, although, with their morals, I wonder if they even cared. Scroll down for the full story, and next, check out this retired engineer who used his skills to masterfully get back at his own neighbors, who were causing quite the ruckus, and using their pool for parties late into the night.
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