It's not often you'll find people rooting for landlords; there's not exactly anything about a group of people who have a reputation for milking their tenants for cash, increasing rent for improvements and repairs that they never actually completed, and taking deposits with little-to-no justification, that inspires people to root for them. It's worth recognizing, though, that this generalization doesn't remotely cover every landlord out there. There are plenty of landlords out there who are renting out homes for perfectly good reasons other than the pursuit of pure personal profit through the exploitation of people who can't afford to buy one.
The same can't be said for management agencies, who manage buildings on behalf of building owners purely as a for-profit operation, usually finding ways to scalp both tenant and landlord for extra coin. So, the fact that this story centers around a property management agency and their site manager not doing their job will come as little surprise to any of us.
Luckily, before he brought this property management agency on board, this landlord received some sound advice from some close associates, which protected him when the agency neglected to do their job and gave him an avenue for revenge by encouraging his tenants to see restitution.
See the building owner's story below, as shared with Reddit's r/NuclearRevenge subreddit, along with a selection of reactions from readers of that original thread.
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