Friday, May 5, 2023

'She was livid': Husband trades seats with a mother and her crying baby on a long flight to 'teach his wife a lesson'

There's nothing worse than being stuck next to a crying baby on a plane. Obviously, being an adult, you're supposed to apparently just turn your ears off for however long your flight is, enduring the screeching screams of the wailing infant next to you– they're the one that's uncomfortable, okay? Of course, they can't help it, they're just a baby and without a doubt, their sleep-deprived parent is also counting down the seconds until the end of the flight just as much as you are.

One woman couldn't contain her fury as she and her husband heard the distant sounds of a newborn screamer in economy class as they boarded into their first class seats for their 8 hour flight. The husband hated that she was complaining so much and figured he would teach her a lesson about having a little more grace with children on a plane. Without thinking much, the husband decided to trade seats with the new mother, forcing his wife to sit next to the new baby for the next 8 hours. 

Perhaps in that time they reconciled their differences. Do you think the husband taught her a good lesson here? Or is he simply a vindictive man-child who's a bigger baby than the 15 week old crier in economy class? Well, either way, he wielded the pain of the new mother with the hopes of converting his angry wife into a complacent, meditative traveler. Scroll to see how things really went down at 20,000ft.

For more stories about indignant Karens, check out this one about a lady who offers $140 for a $20,000 Pokemon card before going berserk on the man that's not even selling it. 

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