Monday, November 21, 2022

Funniest Customer Service Memes for the Perpetually Tired Souls Who Are Handing In Their Two Week Notice

Working in customer service can be pretty soul-destroying. The customers are sour-faced and take everything personally. No, Sharon, the employees are not out to get you. The product you wanted is actually out of stock. No, they don't make the prices. Nobody is forcing you to buy anything. If you don't like something about the store or its products, deal with it. The employees have zero say in the matter and the ones who do, wear suits and not name tags – and have most likely never stepped foot in the store.


People who work in customer service, retail, fast food, or any other jobs for that matter, are human beings who have to put up with your hogwash for a living. So tone down the arrogant attitude, and show some respect. If you can relate to hating humanity every time you're at work, you're in the right place. Scroll down for the funniest memes that are sure to turn your frown upside down. And feel free to check out these hilarious memes that you and your coworker can laugh at, together.

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