Monday, September 12, 2022

Broke Memes for the Financially Challenged and Emotionally Damaged

Does it ever feel like you and your friends become competitive over how broke you are? When we were growing up it was our literal worst fear that people would perceive us as poor, and now every week whenever we go out we all just love to talk about how little money we have chilling in our bank accounts. Then there's also always going to be that one friend who likes to cosplay as poor just to fit in. they pretend to wince whenever it's their turn to pay for the uber when in reality they've never spent a single cent of their own money in their entire life. It's frustrating, but they'll never get it. Instead of getting angry, just tell them that they forgot to pay you back for something from a while ago, and they most likely don't pay attention to their finances anyway, so they'll just sauce over that cash.


But for all the broke people out there, these memes are for you.

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