This poster was posted online after it was put up in a break room of a restaurant. It was shared to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit, where it has earned seven thousand upvotes and sparked discussion over the employer's threat to keep tips and the legality surrounding that.
Reddit user u/SourceIntelligent741was responsible for sharing the image and creating the thread that sparked the discussion, posting the picture with the title "Is this even legal? Servers make $3 an hour in this area, and you can take their tips?"
The sign in the photo reads:
"When you clock in turn your cell phone OFF. Texting and cell phone use while on the clock is a violation of company policy. This is non-negotiable.
1st violation - you lose your tips for the day
2nd violation - you lose your tips for the week
3rd violation - you could lose your job."
Commenters have responded that it is, in fact, illegal for an employer to threaten or withhold already earned tips or wages. "It's illegal for an employer to take your tips or alter pay for hours already done." One of the top comments said, which someone who claimed to be an employment lawyer verified.
Read the full thread and top comments below.
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