It's easy to write a script in your head any time a grandparent is mentioned that depicts them as the storybook 'benevolent grandparent,' but this isn't always the case. Some people are just a-holes. They always have been, and they always will be. True, some 'benevolent grandparents' were also a-holes when they were younger and parents themselves, but then mellowed out in their older years.
But, some people never change, and a-holes especially tend to fit into that category. After all, it's hard to experience growth, change, and increased strength of character when you think that you can do no wrong. Being blind to the very things that often influence development can lead you to be a bitter old hag, like this grandmother.
The concerned mother in question posted this thread to r/AITA (Am I the A--hole) seeking reader's advice as to whether or not she is in the wrong for banning her mother-in-law from her daughter's recitals. She has repeatedly watched as her rude mother-in-law makes cruel and derogatory comments and exhibits rude behavior at her daughter's piano recitals. She has had enough of this behavior, and she wants her MIL gone. The problem is that her "Mama's boy" husband refuses to stand up to his mother and even takes the old crone's side.
Commenters have emphatically encouraged this mother to seek separation from her husband due to his behavior and try to get as far away from his family as possible. But, take this with a grain of salt because Redditors encourage divorce like WebMD diagnoses cancers.
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