Sunday, March 27, 2022

Woman's Boyfriend Can't Control His Entitled Daughter When They Invite Themselves On Her Holiday, She Leaves Them At a Car Rental and Tells Them to Find Their Way Home

After her boyfriend invited himself and his brat daughter on this mother's holiday with her sons, they could not have been on worse behavior. After putting up with the daughter's entitled behavior for most of the trip, the mother snapped and sent them packing, leaving them at a car rental agency and telling them to find their way home.

The altercation between the couple occurred after a series of infuriating events enabled by the boyfriend, Dave, a 44-year-old male and perpetrated by his 17-year-old daughter. His girlfriend, a 27-year-old woman, and the boys' mother, u/719917710, posted the topic to the r/AmItheAsshole subreddit to get outsider's opinions on whether or not she was in the wrong.

The road trip was supposed to be a chance for the mother to get some time alone with her sons, doing the things they had always wanted to do together but had not been able to. 

"I booked a road trip for me and my sons roughly 3 months ago." explains u/719917710, "A road trip consisting of roughly 26 hours worth of driving with stops in between. This is the first time I've ever been financially able to do much of anything with my children so I went all out. Planned to stop at every place they had ever asked me to go, basically. I was beyond excited to surprise them with this trip."

Things started to get complicated when Dave invited himself and his teenage daughter along.

"A week before leaving my [boyfriend] Dave decides he wants to go with me and bring Ann as a "bonding" experience. We do not live together and Ann has never liked me because I'm "boring". She has said this to my face. So Dave thinks it will be good. I didn't really want either of them to go but thought what the hell, why not."

The reasons "why not" would soon emerge when the daughter was repeatedly offended at the very presence of the young boys and their mother. Her entitled behavior was unrestrained by her father. Tension and temper began to rise as the trip approached its pivotal moment.

It's hard to call, but our stance is that this is leaning away from being an "NTA" (Not the Asshole) and more of an "ESH" (Everybody Sucks Here). Obviously, the boyfriend and his daughter are absolute assholes here and deserved almost every bit of this. But the mother had plenty of opportunities to say "No." to them coming on the trip and her reaction was an emotional one that put them in the precarious situation of getting home from out of state. So it's hard for us to let her off the hook.

That being said, commenters were resoundingly supportive of her actions and overwhelmingly proclaimed her "NTA".

Read on for the full story below. 


Thumbnail Image: Sergey Tarasov

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