Thursday, March 17, 2022

People Share Times Their Revenge Was Too Effective

They say that the best revenge is a life well-lived. That's true, but it's also pretty great to see someone get sweet, sweet karma for their garbage behavior. But the problem with having a plan to get back at someone is that sometimes the consequences can outweigh the slight in the first place. That and, being people with consciences, it can actually make us feel bad to screw someone over. Even if it feels like someone totally deserves to be put in their place, watching another person break down and cry might not actually feel as good as you may have thought it would.

Here are some times when people decided to get back at someone, and found that not only was their revenge effective, but it might have been so effective that they had second thoughts about engaging in their spiteful behavior in the first place. 

But also, don't steal your roommate's food if you're lactose intolerant. That one's on you, buddy.

For a tale of revenge that went awry, here's the time an employee reversed a customer's coin revenge by counting it all out.

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