Wednesday, March 16, 2022

People Share The Craziest Things Their Exes Have Done

Breaking up can be difficult. It's hard to know if you made the right choice to end things. But sometimes your ex steals your dog, or calls your work and tells your boss that you've been stealing, then offers doctored texts to try and frame you. That makes it a whole lot easier to be confident in ending the relationship. Sure, it's an absolute nightmare in the short-term, to have an ex lie to your landlord in a plot to try and make you homeless, but in the long term it's nice to have total confirmation that the relationship was definitely not going to work out.

So here are some people who got some extremely good indicators that they weren't a good match, for the most part. Some exes are nice. But the interesting ones usually aren't. There are people out there who will use a break-up as an excuse to really stretch out their crazy-legs and offer the world some insight into their real character. And man, some people are a Rube Goldberg machine of messed up.

For some more moments when people threw caution to the wind, here are people's "screw it, I'll deal with it later" moments.

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