Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Childish Brother-In-Law Demands To Be Treated Like Lord, Gets Dinner On Toy Dishes

In today's day and age, when relationships are seen more as being cooperative partnerships rather than an employer/employee dynamic, there are fewer and fewer times when it seems reasonable for one person to do absolutely everything for someone else. This guy didn't seem to get that his inability to do anything around the house was burning out his wife. When a new guest in the form of OP arrived to see this dynamic in action, he took it upon himself to communicate that to his brother-in-law. It's not like this guy even had to cook his own dinner. He decided to throw a tantrum over not having it brought to him. What's this guy's deal? Maybe it'd be reasonable if he was exhausted from working 16 hour days in a steel mill, but that's pretty unlikely.

The internet weighed in on the stunt, and had some mixed opinions. Some felt that it's a pretty risky thing to do when you're staying at the dude's house, but most agreed that the act was warranted. Given the support of the sister, at least the gesture was appreciated.

For some more wild in-law behavior, here's the mother-in-law who installed cameras in a woman's house.

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