Sunday, December 26, 2021

Guy Gives the Hard Truth to His Hypocritical Fiancé When He Teaches Her About Mutual Tolerance

Man, people are tough. You know?

It's crazy how you can love someone so deeply despite being confronted with their glaringly obvious flaws. In some funny way, those things can actually make you more attracted to them and love them even more. 

Sometimes those things are a huge red flag and a huge turnoff and they might not come up until years into a relationship. Only emerging when some particularly unique situation coaxes it out of the depths of their personality. 

It's one of the crazy things about any sort of relationship. It's easy to fool yourself into the false security of the fact that everyone else thinks and views the world as you do. It's almost like the default setting our brain goes into when dealing with other people. In reality, it couldn't be further from the truth. 

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