Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Tumblr Users Take Intentionally Awful Travel Photos

There's no doubt that this technologically-infused era completely riddled by a multitude of social media apps has inspired many of us to overshare our various adventures through life. This rings especially true whenever someone takes a trip. Our social media feeds are often dominated by glamorous recaps of people's seemingly perfect traveling experiences. Obviously, this isn't true at all. Why do people insist on skimming over the nitty and gritty parts of their trips? We want to see those sloppy moments when you had an airline lose your luggage after you spent 27 hours traveling from one corner of the globe to the other. Or, maybe some blurry photos from that one night you cut loose, and took advantage of a dangerously inviting happy hour promo at a bar far away from home. But no, instead what we can usually count on is people manufacturing these dreamlike photo albums where everyone was all smiles, all the time, and nothing unfortunate occurred.

Finally though, we have some Tumblr users who decided to approach the travel photos from a different angle. They thought it'd be a brilliant idea to take intentionally terrible photos of iconic locations while on various trips. The results aren't particularly pretty, but the intention behind the lousy photos is where the real art lies. This isn't the first time we've stumbled upon some gold from a wonderful, wandering mind in the wild world of Tumblr. You just never really know what you're going to get from Tumblr. Recently, we've been seeing a lot of posts dedicated toward analyzing various aspects and characters in the Lord of the Rings universe. We had that recent thread that commemorated the legend that is Boromir. Or, maybe you were able to take a look at the other obsessive thread that did a deep dive on Elvish dialects. The point is that Tumblr seems to have a little bit of something for everyone. Sometimes you can end up working your way through an informative thread that actually educates you on some strange part of this life that you otherwise never would've known. You know, like that crazy thread about how Magenta isn't actually a real color. Our brains are weird.

Anyways, all rambling about the enjoyable aspects of Tumblr aside, we thought this quick thread with its collection of lousy travel photos was worth a shout out. If anything, this Tumblr user might inspire more folks that are able to travel after we get out the other end of this apocalyptic time, to not stuff their camera full of glamorized pictures that give people the wrong idea about how that trip to Cancun actually went. One of the most enlivening parts about traveling to foreign lands you've never been to before is the recognition that you're far from what you're used to, and life itself might work very differently wherever you wash up. It could be a situation where you've got to acclimate to smaller portion sizes, or perhaps having to buy your own water at a restaurant. Who knows? Just consider the idea of making that next photo album from your trip an imperfectly perfect representation of your journey's ups and downs.

1. Nailed it.

Tower - wizardtwins when i travel i like to take hilariously bad pictures of common tourist things, because anyone can take a nice picture of them, so i'd rather take a one i can laugh at later here's this

2. Yep, that's the shot.

Cloud - lipstickandapplejuice continuing:

3. Couldn't have done it better myself.

Cloud - zeveisenberg Can I play, too?

4. They get it.

Font - sprachtraeume I'm howling you-had-me-at-e-flat-major this explains the tourists i saw taking a picture of a picture of edinburgh castle outside tesco instead of idk going to edinburgh castle 10 minutes away themasterofbees This belongs here:

5. Photography at its best.


6. Ready for this.

Rectangle - fatgothgf everyone please look at all the images in the replies of this post im dying i had no idea other people were as dumb as me fuzzysocklove72 A rat eating from a trash can with the eiffel tower in the background

7. Oh, what's up Ratatouille.

Road surface

8. Yes, yes it is.

Rectangle - fatgothgf ok this one wins scemoterydrive is that Remy of ratatouille

9. Follow us over on Instagram for more funny memes and fails.

Cheezburger Image 9591328000

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