Monday, January 4, 2021

Twitter Scientist Air Fries a Hotdog For Two Hours

Ask around, visit a friend's house, and it seems like everyone has an air fryer all of a sudden. They seem pretty cool, but such new technology has yet to be experimented upon by the home scientists among us. @KLobstar went ahead and did some cutting edge science, seeing what would happen if you left this newfangled device to operate on a hot dog for 120 minutes. For some more loose handling of the science, Here's a handy tumblr list of the lickable sciences.


Text - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar gonna air fry a hotdog for 120 minutes and see what happens


Orange - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar gotta do it in intervals S950 A CAUTION HOT SURFACE Glass, meta, and inner pot are hat dung and after cooking DO NOT TOUCH AVERTISSEMENT SURFACE CHAUDE Le verte mear aro appanet sont chucurnte NE PAS TOUCHER N HOT SURFACE


Orange - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar at 10 minutes now


Text - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar my wife is not happy


Carmine - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar an object must remain undisturbed in any scientific experiment, otherwise you, the researcher, have invalidated the findings flip the hotdog over JAKE-CLARK.TUmBLA


Orange - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar 20 minutes had elapsed, 100 minutes remain Translate Tweet


Orange - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar 30 minutes has elapsed, 90 minutes remains. Hotdog will be extracted and examined


Food - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar Tassure you the smell is worse than it looks


Orange - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar 40 minutes at 300° has elapsed, 80 minutes remain. Wife is increasingly displeased and reports the hotdog smell is "overwhelming"


Text - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar 50 minutes has elapsed, 70 minutes remain. My wife and son have gone outside and I have opened the kitchen window


Amber - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar 60 minutes has elapsed, 60 minutes remain. I have been advised by fellow scientists to allow the hotdog and the air fryer to cool off before continuing. The air is thick with hotdog flavor.


Text - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar I'm gonna be honest I don't think this bad boy is gonna last another 60 minutes without catching fire guess we'll see


Light - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar another 60 minutes at 300° begins now -5937 CAUTION HOT SURFAC DO NOT TO 4. 4VERTISSEM SURFACE CU CAUTION: HOT SURFACE


Text - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar this may not have been a great idea


Yellow - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar 70 minutes has elapsed Translate Tweet CAL CAU


Text - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar 80 minutes has elapsed, and the kitchen has been taken over by truly the worst smell imaginable


Product - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar out of precaution I have obtained a bottle of FIRE GONE USE IN CASE OF FI FIRE SUPPRESSAN FIRE Gone STOP FIRES FAST Fabric/Wood Mome, Grea Boat, Auto, BBQ, RV Fi Kitchen, Office Use Sat Clean Easy to Fast


Text - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar as we pass 90 minutes I think about the mistakes l've made, specifically not doing this outside, where it almost surely would not smell as though someone had placed a pig into a heated car for 8-10 weeks


Text - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar update: my wife is still not happy


Yellow - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar 20 minutes remain, and it has become clear to me that I should change careers into being a scientist CAUT


Text - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar 10 minutes remain, and it appears the hotdog has entered its final form, I wonder if it is still delicious


Ingredient - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar 120 minutes at 300°, and this hotdog has become completely mummified, and smells like fire


Rock - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar looks like shit


Text - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar it tastes terrible, it's not even remotely a hotdog anymore, it's just carbon in the shape ofa dick


Text - kendrick lobstar @KLobstar 6 hours has passed and there is still a faint hotdog smell throughout the house

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