Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Most Messed Up Things People's Roommates Did

Unfortunately many of us have had the unfortunate experience of realizing that we're living with a complete animal. Some people are terribly talented at hiding their crappy behavior from the world, and you can end up learning you're living with a waking nightmare when it's already too late. Hopefully none of these gnarly moments from people's worst roommates remind you of any of your experiences. 


Font - peanutbutterandjamin • 2d Not washing the bathroom ever, in our 2.5 years of living together! Reply 683 5 ...


Font - Rumezi • 2d Once I had a housemate who never returned kitchen utensils to the kitchen after using them. When I moved into that apartment we had something like 20 forks and by the time I moved out, there were no forks left in the utensil drawer and I was keeping one in my room so that he wouldn't steal it. + Reply 793 ...


Font - youvefoundlexi • 2d One of my college roommates stole from me and lied about it then confessed to someone on the phone that she had stolen from me because she thought was asleep. Then planted said item (it was a purse) back into my closet a few days later and tried to act like it was there the whole time. When I called her out and told her I heard her phone call that night, she tried to gaslight me and tell me she was never on the phone. Said she swore to god and that it must've been a dr


Font - temsik1587againtwo · 2d Previous roommate. Every single time I would go to make food, she would come down to do the dishes, at that exact time. Here's why that's an issue: - We have a small kitchen - We didn't talk and it was incredibly awkward - I DO THE DISHES WHILE MY FOOD IS COOKING AND ΙENJOY THAT. Reply 277 3 ...


Font - StanYelnats3· 2d I saved for a year to buy a Swiss watch. My roommate stole it. Reply 57 ...


Font - waapplerachel · 2d Spent our rent at the bar. And I say "our" because I paid it to him and then he went to the bar and spent it and his half of the rent as well. Moved out before the eviction notice hit the door. Thankful for my in-laws who took me in while I was pregnant because of that dick. Reply 4 57 •..


Font - zombiedinosaur5 · 2d 8 1 Award In college, I had a 6:30 am required class. (Culinary arts, ordering and warehouse management if you're wondering). My first college roommate would come back to the room around midnight most nights, flip on the lights and loudly play League of Legends. Reply 516


Font - the-salt-of-dungroon · 2d I lived with someone I was dating, they broke up with me over the phone at Christmas while I was away. Even though I was unable to move out for six months they started dating one of our other roommates while I was still living there. That was pretty fucked up. Reply 51 3 ...


Font - pennypupper • 2d My roommate moved out without telling us. One day I came back and all of her stuff was gone, she was leaving with her last box as I was coming in, and all she said was "don't worry, I found someone else to take over my lease". Well, when I went into her room, it was a complete mess. Old moldy food left on the floor, weird stains on the walls, TOE NAIL CLIPPINGS scattered all over the place, tons of change just lying around. It was absolutely disgusting and I was the one w


Font - Hellchron • 2d My roommate kept stealing my cashews! I had a Costco tub of them and they just slowly disappeared! Is what my old roommate might say. I'm sorry Andy. I was stoned and didn't think a couple here or there would matter. It did matter. You never said anything but I'm sure you knew. I now sneak cashews into people's homes to atone for my sins Reply 50 ...


Font - flstsc-arl • 2d I know this pales in comparison, but here it is anyways. I was the roommate that owned tools. I had a full socket and ratchet set where every piece had its place. It was known that I was OK with others using it, as long as they put it back how it was supposed to be. Well, the main guy, whose parents bought the house so he didn't have to rent, used it one day. While closing the case, EVERYTHING fell out of place. He just moved everything around until it would close. He saw


Font - Snowfreak2507 · 2d Knock on the bathroom door and constantly talk to me while I was taking a shit, turn the heat up to 100 because he's cold, leave the oven on all night long many times, turn the shower on fully hot then spend 30 some minutes doing whatever before getting in subsequently using all the hot water, having clothes in the washer AND dryer 24/7 running or not, make huge mess in kitchen every night then complain I don't wipe down the counters often enough (I would eat out every


Font - -thedartedash- · 2d I once shared a house with 3 other people. We would label our food, and each of us had our own shelf in the pantry. Some food was shared like milk, but most was not. I once came back to find my roommate eating my peanut butter straight from the jar, with a spoon. -Double dipping and all. Despite seeing my name on the lid, he thought I bought the jar to share because it was a "family size" and "nobody needs that much peanut butter"(I like my peanut butter). Levi was the

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