Sunday, January 24, 2021

Karen Demands Stranger Work Shift For Store They Don't Work At

Nothing quite like getting a call from an angry Karen who you've never crossed paths with, who proceeds to bombard you with a request to turn up to work a shift for a store that you simply don't work for. Seriously, Karen. Pull it together and leave the good people of this world that are just going about their daily business alone. For another solid tale of a Karen misunderstanding check out this story about a Karen assuming that a customer worked at the liquor store she was at. Absolutely absurd and discouragingly clueless. 


Text - r/IDontWorkHereLady u/SirXanthor • 5h + Join 3 Karen demands I work shift for store I don't work for! XL Few weeks ago, was woken by a phone call at about 5:13am by some snotty woman demanding I work the weekend when I don't even work for them or retail for that matter. This is how it all went down:


Text - 5:13 am phone wakes me up. "Hello?" "This is Terry from Bmart, Lucy you have to work this weekend!" Me trying to grasp reality as my brain is still sleeping and I dont know any Lucy, or this caller Terry. "Hey Terry, you dialed wrong number. Lose it please." I hang up the phone and almost drift back to sleep when it rings again and I stupidly answer it. Terry "You hang up on me again I will fire your butt! You are to work the weekend or find another job!!!!" No, she didn't say butt, she s


Text - by waking me twice, I now will only work double time Saturday and Tripple time Sundays.. Take it or leave it!! Oh, don't forget, thats $15.00 an hour!! That means $30 an hour Saturdays, $45 an hour Sun...." I never got to finish saying Sunday, because this is what happened next... Terry "whly sht whly sht, I don't even make $15 an hour, why the hell do you!!!" Next thing I know, her yelling attracted other staff and I can hear yelling in the background of why the hell does she make $15 an

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