Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Negligent Neighbor Demands Dog Child Support

If you're not gonna keep a sharp eye on your pets, at least make sure they're not prepared to go around making any more. This neighbor didn't take any preventative measures with her own dog and now she's saying she's entitled to compensation. Both of these neighbors could have benefitted from hearing about this neighbor who built a fence to keep the neighbors out of her pool.


Text - Posted by u/juhjbft 1 day ago 2 3 2 2 8 3 AITA for not paying for my neighbor's dog's "child support"? Yes you read that right Not the A-hole This story is going to sound ridiculous, especially with that story from yesterday about the dogs cheating but I assure you this isn't a shitpost My neighbor's dog recently got pregnant and she claims my dog did it, which is likely because her dog often escaped into my yard and she lets her dog roam around it. It's annoying cuz her dog shits in my y


Text - Well now that she's pregnant she's pissed because hers was a purebred and she wanted to breed it. She says she's entitled to financial compensation and I'll have to pay "child support" for the pups as it'll cost her to take care of them. I laughed my ass off and sad fat chance and no way in hell I'm paying for her dogs child support and this is the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. She's threatening legal action and I'm pretty sure she can't do anything, she did nothing to stop her dog fro


Text - RoyallyOakie Certified Proctologist [22] 13.9k points · 1 day ago NTA...This is looking interesting. Do get half the profits when she sells the puppies? you


Text - Beerubill 5.9k points · 1 day ago NTA. If she wanted her dog to breed with specific other dogs, she should not have let it roam free. Also, what's with the "was a purebred" bullshit? It's not like the dog´s genes are now altered. If it breeds with another purebred dog of the same race, the result will be purebred puppies. I know it's a thing in the breeding world, but it's stupid as hell.


Text - Ruegurl 4.5k points · 1 day ago ,2 ESH. Neuter your pets people! RainahReddit Partassipant [1] 1.5k points · 22 hours ago Yep, both are TA for leaving their pets unfixed


Text - officialvevo Partassipant [1] 1.9k points · 1 day ago ESH, it's dumb of her to demand child support for a dog, but if you don't want your dog making puppies you should've neutered him. There's too many dogs in the world in the first place.


Text - ItchyDoggg Certified Proctologist [20] 926 points · 1 day ago NTA The puppies have no legally cognizable interest in the support of their father. In other words, there is no standing for the woman to sue on behalf of the puppies or their mother just by virtue of your dog being the father. However, the actual legal route she would take would be to sue you for negligence and show her incurred expenses as the damages. Unfortunately for her, I don't think you had any duty, or committed any ac


Text - sydneyrutledge 816 points · 23 hours ago ESH get your dogs spayed and neutered will2goforth Partassipant [1] 21 hours ago 85 points · Somebody listened to Bob Barker.


Text - silverspork 269 points · 23 hours ago ESH - her for letting her unfixed dog roam and trying to get you to pay for her puppies. You for also not fixing your dog. Fix your dogs folks.

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