Saturday, November 28, 2020

Drivers Park Illegally In Handicap Spots, Parking Lot Grinch Saves The Day

While it was certainly a tough day for the drivers that had their cars towed, they also could've avoided that unfortunate, costly development if they'd just been a bit more considerate, and played by the rules. What a "ballet" kind of scene that must've been, when all those tow trucks and cop cars showed up. Parking Lot Grinch shouldn't be too hard on themselves. They were just trying to do the right thing for someone who really needed the extra support. 


Text - r/pettyrevenge u/maniacallygrinning • 188d + Join 1 I was the disabled parking Grinch! Hi, y'all. this was years ago, at Christmas time at Target. I had JUST given birth to my daughter and ran to the store to get diapers (and a moment of peace). I parked in BF Egypt, walked past a zillion cars, and saw a woman slowly driving past all the full disabled spots. She is almost in tears, so I walk up and ask if she is ok. She explodes in tears saying she is in a wheelchair and needs a disabled


Text - I see a spot about to open up and hold it for her. She parks, thanks me and I go into the store to tell them about the illegal disabled parking. The Target lady says, yep, happens all the time., she makes an announcement to the store asking folks to move their cars. I ask if I can use her phone. I call the police (our city is large but I swear the cops are bored, so if you make a call, they send EVERYONE). I say Hi- it's OP calling from Target. We have 18 disabled spaces and only one has


Text - After getting the stuff I needed (and some Christmas candy, because candy) I was walking back to my car... I saw what the cops were doing! When someone came with their baskets full of bags, searching for their car, an officer would call out, who has the '92 yellow Sentra? The illegal parkers would be directed to an officer, given a $345 ticket and the address of the impound place! And each cop said, Merry Christmas to them! OUCH! Now know it was a d!ck move to do this at the holidays but


Text - Just an extra tidbit, both my kids are now adults and both are disabled. Prior to this incident, I had never thought much of being disabled. Now l'm a full-time advocate for the disabled! Edit: Thank you all for the support of disabled drivers! As you can tell I like exclamation points. A few folks thought I was excited because I had disabled kids (because of the exclamation point). I'm excited my kids are so great, regardless of disability (grin). I love all the energy in the replies. Th

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