Friday, July 10, 2020

Man Forces Girlfriend To Take Shower Every Night Before Bed

This guy asked the people of Reddit whether or not he was in the wrong for forcing his girlfriend to take a shower every night. Dude, you're not her parent. 


Text - r/AmltheAsshole + Join u/ShoppingAble • 1d AITA for forcing my girlfriend to take a shower before bed each night? Asshole I know this isn't the practice for all people or couples, but I think it is good hygiene. This is even more true during summer when people sweat more and have more body oil. In the past when she would spend the night, I never said anything, but now that we are living together and sharing a bed each night, I told her that she can't come home and crawl into bed without t


Text - has to take a shower unless she is sick or there's a good reason why. She has taken this the wrong way and is viewing this as me telling her she is dirty, but it's not unique to her. I do this myself because I also would be gross if I didn't shower before bed. I don't think she is gross at all, and I think she actually would feel better and more relaxed if she took a pre-bed shower. I do. She thinks I am being too rigid about, but to me this is all common sense and shouldn't be a controve


Text - MysticMusician5 • 1d • Asshole Enthusiast [5] YTA. I would say most people don't shower before bed every night. Especially if they are showering every day in the morning. Just because you like to do that, doesn't mean you should force your girlfriend to follow that. It's not your choice. Reply 2.9k ...


Text - NapsAreMyFavorite • 1d • Asshole Aficionado [16] YTA, you say in a comment that she showers in the morning, her hygiene is fine, you are being controlling in a very weird way. I told her that she can't come home and crawl into bed without taking a shower. She has to take a shower unless she is sick or there's a good reason why. The thought that you feel like you can order her to conform to your (unreasonable) expectations and that she needs to offer you reasons for you to judge as to whet


Text - mada143 · 1d It's an asshole move to assume that she would feel better and more relaxed just because you do. And the fact that you refer to it as 'forcing her'. Sometimes, I am so tired that I can't even begin to think that I must shower. If I had a partner that 'forced' me to do it...let's just say that it wouldn't get pretty. Big deal. Wash the freakin sheets. I bet the two of you did more gross stuff in bed than going to sleep without taking a shower. Seriously? Reply 562 ...


Text - Fuck-that-shit-bro • 1d • Professor Emeritass [71] S 1 Award YTA you have no right to "force" her to shower at a specific time. For some people it's normal to shower every other day(with exception of like sweating and shit). Who are you to tell her that she needs a "good excuse" to not follow your rules? You aren't her parent you're her partner. Stop trying to treat her like a child it's a bit controlling. Reply 8.5k ...


Text - fatfatcats • 1d • Partassipant [1] YTA. If I were to shower every day, l'd be a mass of dry cracked skin and rashes. Some people can't shower every day, and as long as she is caring for herself on a regular basis, and being hygienic, you have no right to suggest she change her grooming routine. Reply 1.5k ...


Text - Imaginary_Marsupial • 1d • Asshole Aficionado [11] Given that you force her: YTA Given that showering twice a day fnarks your skin up: YTA Given that you think that it's common sense: YTA Reply 1 487


Text - UltrafearX • 1d ΥΤΑ. Cant tell someone when to do an activity like shower. Counterpoint: just do laundry (wash the sheets) more often if it bothers you this much? Reply 306 ...


Text - CrazyCatPuff • 1d YTA because this is DEFINITELY something you should've discussed before moving in together. I know many people prefer to shower before bed, myself included, but it's not for you or anyone to tell someone they have to shower before bed. Tons of people prefer to shower in the morning before going out. Maybe talk to a therapist if you feel it's such a big issue for you. Reply 1 50 ...


Text - arthousedirector • 1d YTA. Unless she's working in a mine, works out and doesn't shower after, or goes a long time between showers (i.e. doing something that could leave visible dirt or odour in the bed). Reply 153 ...


Text - SFyr • 1d YTA. Not for having a preference, but for forcing in on other people and treating it as common sense. And, for prioritizing "I think she would feel better if she did it too" over her vocalizing she doesn't want to do that. It's good hygiene to shower regularly--but nightly is not necessary, nor is it what many people want to be a daily routine for sake of their happiness, and I feel like you're indeed being rigid regarding that.


Text - What Was_l_doi • 1d • Partassipant [3] YTA for so many reasons. First of all don't treat her like a child. She is a grown ass woman and can decide for herself when to shower. Second, you don't get to force anybody to do anything. Especially your partner in a relationship. This kind of controlling behavior is often a red flag. Third, if she is showering in the morning and you are also forcing her to shower in the evening you are doing terrible things to her skin. You aren't actually suppos


Text - gringaellie • 1d YTA why are you trying to control her? is it not her home too? why is your way right and her way wrong? Reply 1 77 ...


Text - Jendi2016 • 1d • Certified Proctologist [25] YTA I prefer morning showers because I air-dry my hair, dont want wet hair all night. Night showers end up tensing me out because of the wet hair. Just cause you feel good with one doesn't mean everyone else does. Showering too often is bad for you. Your body produces essential oils for your skin and regulates it. Showering too often disrupts this cycle, forcing your body to produce oils faster. The more you shower, the oilier you become. It is


Text - hellofuckingjulie • 1d YTA. Dude honestly I get you. I shower twice daily, a proper shower in the morning and a quick rinse at night to relax and clean myself off. If I had to get into bed without that I don't think I would even be able to sleep, I would just feel gross, oily and itchy, then want to wash my blankets. There is truly nothing better than myself being clean snuggling into soft clean blankets. Bliss. That being said. I can't ask my fiancé to live like me. Part of being in a re


Text - SalaciousSapphic • 1d • Asshole Aficionado [10] YTA unless she's coming to bed actually dirty, which she's not. You are being too rigid. Regular everyday living doesn't require two showers a day, and If she takes her showers in the morning that's sufficient for cleanliness. This sounds awfully similar to another post that was on here recently. Reply 52 ...


Text - daftpenguin • 1d YTA. If she showers in the morning, like you said in a reply, then she already is practicing good hygiene. It's fine if you want to shower every night before bed, but it's an asshole move to try to make someone else do that and tell them they're being unhygienic because they don't shower two times a day. Reply 28 ...


Text - wisely_and_slow• 1d • Partassipant [1] YTA. You're being controlling as fuck and dressing it up as something she'd like--when she's told you she doesn't. Common sense is a meaningless term because it's very rarely based on fact or evidence. Like this one. Shower frequency is both culturally determined and very personal. It's not "common sense" or an objective good to shower every day, you just can't imagine not getting your way. Reply ...


Text - kalkiki • 1d • Professor Emeritass [95] YTA You don't get to dictate someone else's hygiene routines Reply 1 37 ...


Text - caddykitten • 1d YTA for telling her that she CAN'T get into bed without taking a shower. You're free to shower before bed, you're free to tell her that you do not want to share a bed with someone that hasn't showered. You're free to break up with her. But you aren't free to tell someone what they can and can't do. Reply 1 14 ...


Text - FapNapAndCrap • 1d • Partassipant [1] YTA Your habit is not common sense. Sweat and "body oil" is not unsanitary, they're a necessary part of skin health. If you wash your sheets at least once a week, your bed is clean even if you don't take a shower. Your girlfriend can do what she wants with her body, and if that's against your preference, then I hope to god she breaks up with you and finds someone less controlling. Maybe then you can find someone who puts up with your weird shit. Reply


Text - aat5t56 • 1d NTA. If you dont want to take the day's dirt into bed with you, you shouldn't have to. I am also a night- shower person, and when my boyfriend stays over I always ask him to shower before bed as well. When you're exposed to the world, you do pick up dirt (everyone does) and sweat, and I dont want to lie in that all night. If she doesn't want to shower before bed, it may be worth considering sleeping seperately? Not as a punishment, but just so you can both sleep the way that


Text - cultqueennn • 1d • Colo-rectal Surgeon [40] Yta She's not your child. And that's coming from a germaphobe. Reply ...


Text - mother_of_dragons011 • 1d YTA I'm a night showerer because it relaxes me, my fiancé on the other hand cannot shower at night or else he just gets reenergized and it will take him even longer to settle down and sleep. Reply ... 17


Text - princessbiscuit • 1d • Partassipant [1] YTA and WTF? Let her shower when she wants, especially if she prefers showering in the morning and does so and has healthy hygiene habits. This is such a weird thing to try and control. Don't be that guy Also, apart from the larger issues of control and just ASSUMING that she would be more relaxed because you yourself are know how epically awful it can be for women to go to sleep with wet hair? I don't shower at night SPECIFICALLY because it t


Text - pittsburgpam • 1d • Partassipant [2] YTA. Do you also shower in the morning or do you get dressed and go to work with night sweat all over you? Get over it. Your way isn't the only way. Reply ...


Text - Constant-Bowl • 1d YTA. You live together. This is not a "your house your rules" situation. You two are supposed to be equals in the relationship. If you only have one bed, then you can't force her (unless she's legitimately sweaty/dirty/ gross/in need of intervention one day). It would be reasonable for you to say that you won't feel comfortable sleeping in bed with her if she doesn't shower at night, cuddling for a bit, and then you leaving to go sleep in another bed or on the couch. Bu

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