Sunday, July 19, 2020

Awful Customers Get Fired For Their Behavior

Nothing warms our hearts like a couple entitled customers with nasty attitudes getting reality checked. These ladies sound like they had a whole lot of growing up to do. Probably a solid move by their manager to fire them after hearing about their antics at the sushi bar. I imagine they'd have caused all kinds of other problems further on down the road. 


Text - r/TalesFromYourServer u/amadrid46 • 149d Join Awful customers end up getting fired for their behavior Long One of my co-workers actually had the the pleasure of serving these ladies, but has given me permission to tell her story here! Also, I am on mobile so please excuse formatting To set the scene, this restaurant is a local "upscale" sushi bar with dim lighting and high booths. Working as a server here we also act as hosts, bussers and bartenders. It's also important to note that the o


Text - also the manager and is at the restaurant 24/7 (Literally. He lives there), and that these ladies all worked for a local business in which they had their work shirts on. This particular day we were dead for lunch and both me and my coworker were in the office talking to the owner. Three ladies walk in and seat themselves, ignoring the "Please wait to be seated" sign. The phone rings so my co-worker leaves the office to answer and it happens to be the three ladies sitting at the booth call


Text - Coworker apologizes for the wait takes their order and goes about business. These ladies call her over to complain that they are on lunch and the food is taking too long. She apologizes and assured them it shouldn't be much longer. They then make a remark about having to call to get anyone's attention.


Text - This particular coworker is not someone who messes around. She has worked at the restaurant for years and is not the type to kiss ass in these types of situations. Still she kept her cool and walked off. The ladies get their food, then proceed to walk up to the sushi bar to talk with the owner about how rude coworker is. Coworker overheard, and walks over to join the conversation which ends in yelling and 2 of the ladies asking her to "go outside". Ieventually am asked to bring them the b


Text - When we went to clean the table, these ladies had crushed up sushi rolls, left noodles and meat ALL over the table covered in teriyaki sauce with a note on the receipt that said "dumb bitch". The owner then proceeds to call their work and explain to the manager what they had done. The best part was they all paid separately and with debit cards so we knew all of their names. A couple of hours later a woman walks in, hands my coworker $50, apologizes for their behavior, and explains that sh

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