Thursday, May 7, 2015

Esquire Published a Review of "Ultron" from a Kid, but This Neckbeard's Comment Steals the Show


That is an honest to god comment on a review of Age of Ultron that Esquire published. The twist being that the review was written by a 9-year-old boy (which is pretty fun in its own right). The star of the show though is clearly this stunning example of the geeky fandom.

Here's the text of the review in full, for easier reading:

The premise for this whole article is false--the movie was actually made for me: a middle-aged guy that grew up on comics books, and has enough disposable income to totally geek out and buy the movie, the toys, etc in an effort to re-capture the youth that is quickly disappearing in the rearview mirror. It was made for the geeks that read every blog post about the who's and why's, looked at all the production stills and followed the negotiations between Marvel and Fox to allow Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to appear in both films. It was made of the geeks that watch a less-than-stellar show like Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. simply because it is part of the MCU. It is made for the geeks that actually know what the MCU stands for. It is made for the geeks that are scared they will have their first heart attack before we finally get to see Thanos on screen for any longer than a fleeting cameo (2019 or 2020).

Stand aside 9 year olds, this isn't your movie. It is mine. And I loved it.

Submitted by: (via Esquire)

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