Thursday, January 15, 2015

Censorship of the Day: Sky News Cuts Off Woman for Showing Charlie Hebdo Cover

By now you’ve probably seen the new Charlie Hebdo cover featuring the prophet Muhammad holding a sign that says “Je Suis Charlie.” It’s plastered all over the Internet at this point.

The print issues sold out in Paris, and 300 copies are on their way to the United States this week.

But a number of big media outlets still refuse to show it (ahem… The New York Times ).

In this video from a Sky News segment Wednesday, former Charlie Hebdo contributor Caroline Fourest expresses her outrage at such news organizations and begins to hold up a copy of the magazine.

“I am very sad that journalists in the UK do not support us, that journalists in the UK betray what journalism is about by thinking that people are not grown-up enough to decide whether a drawing is offensive or not,” she said.

But she isn’t able to finish her thought, as the cameras immediately cut back to the anchor, Dharshini David.

“I do apologize for any of our viewers who may have been offended,” she says.

Submitted by: (via Simon Cobbs)

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