We should all aspire to be on the same level as spite cow Dad.
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A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
We should all aspire to be on the same level as spite cow Dad.
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If a company fires an employee for a BS reason they'd better be ready to pay on up!
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We're not sure who is responsible for the steady stream of bizarre comedy gold from the Denny's Tumblr account, but all we know is it's a trip! Outside of that, it sounds like all kinds of chaos are occurring regularly around an otherwise nice looking breakfast establishment.
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This guy asked the people of Reddit whether or not he was in the wrong for buying his wife a Roomba for Christmas, that she clearly didn't take a liking too. The thing about this meltdown, is it seems like there'a whole lot more going on between these two than an unwanted Roomba.
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Someone on AskReddit asked for people to describe the most useless inventions that they've ever seen. I mean, when it comes to the "pet rock" maybe it's "uselessness" was the best part about it. A lot of us just have those dumb things that we find ourselves taken with, and need to own, for no reason at all.
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In a world where people are constantly asked to make new things, some of those things are not going to work out exactly as planned. That means we get some design fails that were someone's one job. Sometimes it's an accidentally filthy sign, sometimes it's a toilet that drains to nowhere. There are infinite ways to end up with design failures that don't quite cut it.
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People are sharing their most clever comebacks. Sometimes people just construct the kind of clever comeback that leaves their target utterly silenced. The best thing to do in the face of a quality clever comeback is to remain quiet and wait for the rest of the online world to forget about you.
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Whether it's overconfidence or a complete lack of self awareness, these folks just had to let everyone know how smart they thought they were, and in turn, showed everyone just how smart they ACTUALLY were. So here's a lot of over-explaining and complete bullheaded nonsense from self-titled geniuses whosmeared the internet with their cringeworthy bragging.
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This choosing beggar either has no idea how time works, or they were just trying to troll the crap out of a reasonable seller. Doesn't seem like this particular negotiation is going to work out.
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Life has its unfair share of unfortunate failures and moments of chaos. Things break, things get stuck, things melt and things explode. Knowing that, you just kinda have to take everything in stride. Wherever you go, chaos and misfortune will follow.
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We're not sure if you get any scholarships for claiming to be part lizard-person, but if anyone in the admissions office knows anything about DnD this person is screwed. Since it's this person's parents fault for perpetuating snake-descent, here are salty adults sharing the unjust lies they were told as kids.
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There are just bound to be rare moments that go against all odds. Some are absolutely wild occurrences where life and death hung in the balance. Others are like, a double onion. They're both interesting and unlikely, but some have a little more gravity.
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This buyer is just trying to teach a flaky seller a valuable lesson in how to do business. They're all about upholding that honor!
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Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share their experiences that could've fit on the show "The X-Files." A big takeaway we're getting from these replies is that the world is a lot more eerie and filled with unexplained phenomena than we give it credit for.
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Uh, this is easily the coolest thing I've seen all year, and it's an old video. Science is awesome.
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2019 was a blur, and as we get ready to lean into 2020, it's high time to look back on those things that we should really just leave behind. Some trends were better than others, but in general, 2019 was a bit of a mess. Time to leave the worst of it behind, and make 2020 just a bit better.
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The fact that this guy wasted hundreds of hours on Minecraft crafting menus is truly mind-blowing. Some people really do need an instruction manual for everything.
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We can't really explain it. Maybe it's instinct, subconscious reasoning, survivor's bias, luck, or the intervening will of the universe. Sometimes people get a spidey-sense moment that ends up saving their own ass. Here are more times people trusted a gut feeling and avoided disaster.
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It's the medical question we've all been wondering about. For the sake of wondering out loud, this doctor asked where you'd have to defibrillate a centaur. It's at least fun to know that doctors can still be weird. For medical stuff, here are stories of the dumbest things medical professionals had to explain to people.
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Interring or spreading a loved ones remains is a deeply emotional, and sometimes logistically awkward moment. Mitch Feltscheer discovered this firsthand when his dad had to deal with an extra windy day by the sea. These moments happen from time to time, like this guy who wasn't sure what to do with a brick of his dad's ashes.
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Someone on AskReddit asked for people to share the very best of their useless facts. Never know when you might need to break one of these out at the next social gathering, to break the ice for everyone else. Can't quite put our finger on it, but there's just something so interesting about useless facts.
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Not only will this post likely make a lot of people want to learn how to play D&D, but it will also probably kickstart the waterworks. We're not crying, you're crying!
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Some people manage to enjoy the movies no matter what, while other Star Wars fans had a serious bone to pick with the latest movie. Is this guy on the mark, or totally off base?
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The fact that this influencer wants to pay for the artwork with exposure, and they haven't even made it on YouTube yet is the real kicker.
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Technology is a constant source of fear and anxiety for old people. They have a hard time learning how to use it, and so will you when you get old. When we're trying to beam 40 year old memes into each other's brains via the super-internet, we'll probably make some similar mistakes like direct messaging google or leaving a wildly inappropriate comment on the wrong post.
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