The entitlement from people sometimes is utterly baffling.
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A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
The entitlement from people sometimes is utterly baffling.
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They try to pull the "I'm crying" card to no avail!
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Wendy's is always game to decimate any temporarily emboldened, spicy people on Twitter. Their banter is brutal, and errs on the side of being on point. In this case, they have to remind someone what a fridge is.
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This unfaithful bastard had it coming. The fact he went and ate at the same restaurant with his wife AND side chick just screams careless stupidity.
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Finally, a Charlie and The Chocolate Factory theory that isn't about how Grandpa Joe is guilty of disability fraud. With all the weird amount of attention this story gets on the internet, this kind of theory still makes a decent amount of sense.
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Good luck to these sleep talkers trying to understand what in the hell they were saying.
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A few days ago the NASA InSight landed on Mars. This makes eight times NASA's successfully landed it's hyper-developed space machinery on the angry red planet. Naturally, the rest of the internet honed in on the notably grainy quality of the first pic sent back to earth from Mars. It was just too damn ripe for the taking.
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It's dangerous to go alone...take these life cheat codes with you.
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And then everyone clapped...
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People will go to the greatest lengths for the dumbest reasons. Faced with that much in real medical bills, her Dad could've said a lot more than he did.
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Sometimes the best course of action is to just wallow in your self-defeat.
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The signs were all there. Their cluelessness is the real enemy here.
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Make sure you wear your brown pants!
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This artist had rightfully had enough of the blatant BS.
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This is nothing short of a spectacular chaotic catastrophe. WHAT.A.MESS.
Submitted by: (via FunnyEpicVids)
Absolutely indispensable. Just in time for the maddening rush of the holiday season!
Submitted by: (via BeatTheBush)
He really dodged a bullet on this one. Things go from seemingly neutral, when they both take a rain check on each other, to her absolutely losing her shit over how someone could NOT want to be with her. The insecurity is STRONG in this one.
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These people must have strong necks and hard skulls to hold all that heavy brain in. It's a miracle they can handle those big, sopping brains, wet with armchair philosophies about Nietsche and dark matter.
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These cheap customers took full advantage of a cashier on his first day...
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This is what it looks like when things are NOT attempted by professionals.
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The real challenge is not letting the kid know they're being funny. Kids can't know that yelling obscenities in a crowded bookstore is hilarious. It'd totally throw off their priorities.
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Take a deep breath, bro bro. It is all going to work out. This is a good and enlightening development for you.
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Seems super legit. This guy could've missed out on his next great love.
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'Tis the season for theatrical attempts that end up being hilarious failures, if we're lucky!
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It is undeniable: Mr. Bean can rock the shit out of everything. Let's recast him as Incredible Hulk.
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