A daily dose of the most hilarious gag-inducing Internet memes, gifs, images, funny insults, and fails from around the web!
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
This Little Girl Is Adamant That She Doesn't Want To Go To Kindergarten
Okay, Can Somebody Tell the Green Screen Guy to Cover Up His Raging Woody?
Bathrooms: The Last Refuge of True Love
In a world that can be scary, cruel, and lonely, only one place remains where love flourishes.
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This Siberian Husky Is Anyone After A Few Too Many Edibles
After having friends over my roommate and I were watching tv when we noticed Loki, my roommates dog starts flipping out in his corner. He couldn't control his muscles so he would twitch. This guy loves to get into things. After investigating we established that he had went into one of our friends bag and ate his rice krispie treat filled with marijuana. After contacting our veterinarian friends we knew it was just a waiting game. We kept careful watch on him for the next 20 hours. The next morning he was still high and able to walk, by that evening he was back to normal running around. And today he is back to getting into things again, guess he didnt learn his lesson :)
Submitted by: (via TonyCostaMovies)
Sometimes, When Headlines Are So Long That They Need to Be Shortened, They Can Be Really Fu...
... nny.
Submitted by: Unknown
Monday, June 29, 2015
Men Are Given a Menstrual Cup and Try To Guess What It Is
If You Want To Cut a Watermelon With A Sword, Think It All The Way Through
Watch This Competitive Gamer Enter a Match Like a Pro Wrestler
This weekend at CEO 2015, the fighting game tournament got a little intense. Not the actual gameplay, mind you, but the pre-show. Watch competitive player Kenneth "Stone Cold" "K-Brad" Bradley enter the, er, ring for an Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 match. I kid you not, he knocks a dude out.
Another player, Dieminion, took a much stealthier approach to his entrance:
Dude's like a ninja!
Submitted by: (via ceogaming)
Listen to Shia LaBeouf and His Rat Tail Freestyle Rap About Transformers, Harriet Tubman and Galileo
Mr. Paper Bag Head Shia LaBeouf has yet another thing that he doesn't want to make him famous. This newly surfaced video show young Indiana Jones himself freestyle rapping with friends (we assume they are his friends).
It's yet another layer on the onion that is Shia. The young actor has already met with controversy, bad movies and yelling about dream realization. This is just one more side to him.
We as a culture do not need more actors with musical side projects, but Shia could do worse. Plus, that rat tail will be an incredible hype man.
Do you think if another rapper has beef with him, they'll have to call it beouf?
Submitted by: (via Everyday Instrumentals)
Watch As Trucks Crash Into Each Other at Confederate Flag Parade in Georgia
11 Conversation That Showcase Why Texting is the Worst
If you would have picked up the phone and made a call, this never would have happened.
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